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  1. Winged Men and the Cast of Dice: Anti–Finalism and Radical Materialism in Guillaume Lamy.Filippo Del Lucchese - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (4):527-546.
    The controversy over teleology raged in the early modern period with particular intensity. In this paper, I will show that Guillaume Lamy represents a current of antifinalism, devoid of weakness, and far from compromise with his adversaries. This antifinalism makes of Lamy not so much a sincere supporter of the unknowability of God in other words, a proto but rather a radical Lucretian materialist, whose aim is to openly distance himself equally from the partial Cartesian rejection of final causes and (...)
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  • Mecanicismo, finalidade e a teoria da preexistência dos germes em Malebranche.Sacha Zilber Kontic - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (1).
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a articulação feita por Malebranche entre a física mecanicista o finalismo em sua teoria da preexistência dos germes. Pretendemos mostrar como essa articulação permite que o oratoriano forneça uma resposta ao problema, deixado por Descartes, da explicação mecânica da geração dos corpos organizados. Assim, tomamos como ponto de partida as tentativas de Descartes de fornecer uma explicação mecânica à geração para, em seguida, analisar a noção de finalidade no ocasionalismo de Malebranche e, finalmente, (...)
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  • Influence and development: Two basic paradigms of education. [REVIEW]Jürgen Oelkers - 1994 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 13 (2):91-109.
    The article discusses two basic paradigms of western educational theory, namely the concept of “influence” and the concept of “development”. Two historical contextes are analyzed, John Locke's theory of human learning and Jean-Jacques Rousseau's theory of natural development. Both theories are rejected in favour of a position beyond “influence” and “development”. This position of a theory of education ( Erziehung ) is marked with the term “moral communication”.
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