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Drives Toward War

Philosophical Review 52 (5):512-514 (1943)

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  1. Cats on the Couch: The Experimental Production of Animal Neurosis.Alison Winter - 2016 - Science in Context 29 (1):77-105.
    ArgumentIn the 1940s–50s, one of the most central questions in psychological research related to the nature of neurosis. In the final years of the Second World War and the following decade, neurosis became one of the most prominent psychiatric disorders, afflicting a high proportion of military casualties and veterans. The condition became central to the concerns of several psychological fields, from psychoanalysis to Pavlovian psychology. This paper reconstructs the efforts of Chicago psychiatrist Jules Masserman to study neurosis in the laboratory (...)
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  • Maps of desire: Edward Tolman's drive theory of wants.Simon Torracinta - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (1):3-30.
    Wants and desires are central to ordinary experience and to aesthetic, philosophical, and theological thought. Yet despite a burgeoning interest in the history of emotions research, their history as objects of scientific study has received little attention. This historiographical neglect mirrors a real one, with the retreat of introspection in the positivist human sciences of the early 20th century culminating in the relative marginalization of questions of psychic interiority. This article therefore seeks to explain an apparent paradox: the attempt to (...)
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