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  1. The evolution of religious cognition.Fraser Watts - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (1):89-100.
    Several accounts of the evolution of religion distinguish two phases: an earlier shamanic stage and a later doctrinal stage. Similarly, several theories of human cognition distinguish two cognitive modes: a phylogenetically older system that is largely intuitive and a later, more distinctively human system that is more rational and articulate. This article suggests that cognition in the earlier stage in the evolution of religion is largely at the level of intuition, whereas the cognition of doctrine or religion is more conceptual (...)
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  • Psychology and the Churches in Britain 1919-39: symptoms of conversion.Graham Richards - 2000 - History of the Human Sciences 13 (2):57-84.
    The encounter between the Christian Churches and Psychology has, for all its evident cultural importance, received little attention from disciplinary historians. During the period between the two world wars in Britain this encounter was particularly visible and, as it turned out, for the most part relatively amicable. Given their ostensive rivalry this is, on the face of it, somewhat surprising. Closer examination, however, reveals a substantial convergence and congruence of interests between them within the prevailing cultural climate, and considerable overlapping (...)
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  • Britain on the Couch: The Popularization of Psychoanalysis in Britain 1918—1940.Graham Richards - 2000 - Science in Context 13 (2):183-230.
    The ArgumentDespite the enormous historical attention psychoanalysis has attracted, its popularization in Britain (as opposed to the United States) in the wake of the Great War has been largely overlooked. The present paper explores the sources and fate of the sudden “craze” for psychoanalysis after 1918, examining the content of the books through which the doctrine became widely known, along with the roles played by religious interests and the popular press. The percolation of Freudian and related language into everyday English (...)
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  • Between love and aggression: the politics of John Bowlby.Ben Mayhew - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (4):19-35.
    While much has been written on the work of the psychoanalyst John Bowlby, little comment has been made on his political activities and how they related to his theorizing. In his work it can be seen how psychoanalytic ideas of love underlay not only his theory of attachment, but also the creation of new political ideas. Bowlby’s collaboration with Evan Durbin, a little-known but important economist and political philosopher, was underpinned by a belief that social responsibility was an evolved psychological (...)
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  • The structure of intentions.Margaret A. Boden - 1973 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 3 (1):23–46.
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  • On therapeutic authority: psychoanalytical expertise under advanced liberalism.Peter Miller & Nikolas Rose - 1994 - History of the Human Sciences 7 (3):29-64.
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  • ‘The dangers of this atmosphere’: a Quaker connection in the Tavistock Clinic’s development.Sebastian Kraemer - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (2):82-102.
    During the Second World War, through innovations in officer selection and group therapy, the army psychiatrists John Rickman and Wilfred Bion changed our understanding of leadership. They showed how soldiers under stress could develop real authority through their attentiveness to each other. From contrasting experiences 25 years earlier each had seen how people in groups are moved by elemental forces that undermine judgement and thought. This article arose from my experiences as a trainee at the Tavistock Clinic, where the method (...)
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  • Human pugnacity and war: Some anticipations of sociobiology, 1880–1919. [REVIEW]Paul Crook - 1998 - Biology and Philosophy 13 (2):263-288.
    Almost all of the themes contained in E.O.Wilson's sociobiological writing on war and human aggression were prefigured in Anglo-American bio-social discourse, c. 1880–1919. Instinct theory – stemming from animal psychology and the genetics revolution – encouraged the belief that pugnacity had been programmed into the ancient part of the human brain as a result of evolutionary pressures dating from prehistory. War was seen to be instinct-driven, and genocidal fighting postulated as a eugenic force in early human evolution. War was explained (...)
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  • The Micro‐Macro Problem in Collective Behavior: Reconciling Agency and Structure.Raymond L. M. Lee - 1990 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 20 (3):213-233.
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  • Naturalizing Christian ethics: A critique of Charles Taylor's a secular age. [REVIEW]William David Hart - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (1):149-170.
    This essay critically engages the concept of transcendence in Charles Taylor's A Secular Age. I explore his definition of transcendence, its role in holding a modernity-inspired nihilism at bay, and how it is crucial to the Christian antihumanist argument that he makes. In the process, I show how the critical power of this analysis depends heavily and paradoxically on the Nietzschean antihumanism that he otherwise rejects. Through an account of what I describe as naturalistic Christianity, I argue that transcendence need (...)
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  • Collectivity, human fulfilment and the ‘force of life’.Gillian Swanson - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (1):21-50.
    The article traces the origination of the psychological concept of the ‘herd instinct’, popularized by British surgeon Wilfred Trotter, locating this in a distinctive moment of dialogue between the natural and human sciences. It challenges the incorrect association of Trotter’s model with the crowd theory of Gustave Le Bon and negative commentaries on mass culture. In contrast, it shows that Trotter’s model rests on imitation and suggestion not as the sign of a derogated culture but as the ground of associated (...)
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