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  1. Plato on Pure Pleasure and the Best Life.Emily Fletcher - 2014 - Phronesis 59 (2):113-142.
    In the Philebus, Socrates maintains two theses about the relationship between pleasure and the good life: the mixed life of pleasure and intelligence is better than the unmixed life of intelligence, and: the unmixed life of intelligence is the most divine. Taken together, these two claims lead to the paradoxical conclusion that the best human life is better than the life of a god. A popular strategy for avoiding this conclusion is to distinguish human from divine goods; on such a (...)
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  • (1 other version)Colloquium 5: Plato’s Anti-Hedonism.Gunter Figal - 2008 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 23 (1):187-204.
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  • L'insatiabilité du désir dans le « Philèbe ».Sylvain Delcomminette - 2006 - Philosophie Antique 6 (6):59-80.
    Plato’s treatment of the theme of insatiability of desire in the Philebus is only implicit, but deeply original. Considering pleasure as the immediate object of desire, and caracterising pleasure as an apeiron (i.e. an undetermined or an illimited), it locates the origin of that phenomenon not in the essence of desire itself, but in its object, which by nature always eludes it. The only way of avoiding it is therefore to reorientate desire towards another object, namely the intelligible, which is (...)
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  • Malice and the Ridiculous as Self-ignorance: A Dialectical Argument in Philebus 47d-50e.Rebecca Bensen Cain - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (1):83-94.
    Abstract: In the Philebus, Socrates constructs a dialectical argument in which he purports to explain to Protarchus why the pleasure that spectators feel when watching comedy is a mixture of pleasure and pain. To do this he brings in phthonos (malice or envy) as his prime example (47d-50e). I examine the argument and claim that Socrates implicitly challenges Protarchus’ beliefs about himself as moderate and self-knowing. I discuss two reasons to think that more is at stake in the argument than (...)
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  • The Pleasures of the Comic and of Socratic Inquiry.Mitchell Miller - 2008 - Arethusa 41 (2):263-289.
    At Apology 33c Socrates explains that "some people enjoy … my company" because "they … enjoy hearing those questioned who think they are wise but are not." At Philebus 48a-50b he makes central to his account of the pleasure of laughing at comedy the exposé of the self-ignorance of those who presume themselves wise. Does the latter passage explain the pleasure of watching Socrates at work? I explore this by tracing the admixture of pain, the causes, and the "natural harmony" (...)
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  • L’ontologie du plaisir dans le Philèbe et le vocabulaire platonicien de l'être.Roberto Granieri - 2021 - Philosophie Antique 21:179-203.
    Dans cet article on se propose d’examiner les fondements ontologiques de l’argument anti-hédoniste de Philèbe 53c4-55a1. On soutiendra que l’usage des notions de γένεσις et οὐσία dans cet argument ne montre ni un abandon de la thèse de l’opposition du sensible à l’intelligible, ni, pour autant, une application mécanique de cette thèse. On souhaite montrer, en revanche, que ces notions jouissent d’une relativité sémantique telle que leurs significations varient en fonction des contextes argumentatifs, dont le passage retenu du Philèbe est (...)
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  • Les plaisirs intellectuels dans le modèle platonicien du plaisir.Charlotte Murgier - 2014 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 109 (2):167-186.
    L’examen des deux descriptions platoniciennes du plaisir intellectuel en République IX et dans le Philèbe soulève diverses questions : d’abord celle des critères qui permettent de démontrer leur supériorité sur les autres plaisirs, ensuite celle de savoir dans quelle mesure leur caractérisation, notamment leur qualité de plaisirs purs, est compatible avec le modèle général du plaisir comme réplétion, dans lequel Platon vient les inscrire. Il s’agit donc d’examiner la cohérence du traitement platonicien du plaisir intellectuel et sa capacité à faire (...)
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  • The Ranking of the Goods at Philebus 66a-67b.P. M. Lang - 2010 - Phronesis 55 (2):153-169.
    At the very end of Plato's Philebus Socrates and Protarchus place the goods of a human life in a hierarchy (66a-67b). Previous interpretations of this passage have concentrated upon its relevance to the good human life, including the allowance of (true and pure) pleasures. This view picks up Plato's metaphor of a mixture of reason and pleasure, but the ranking of the goods is emphatically a vertical stratification and not a mixture in which all elements are equally fundamental. In this (...)
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