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Body, brain, and culture

Zygon 18 (3):221-245 (1983)

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  1. Neurotheology: The working brain and the work of theology.James B. Ashbrook - 1984 - Zygon 19 (3):331-350.
    Because the mind is the significance of the brain and God is the significance of the mind, the concept “mind” bridges how the brain works and traditional patterns of belief. The left mind, which utilizes rational vigilance and the imperative instructions of proclamation, names and analyzes the urgently right. The right mind, which discloses the relational responsiveness of numinous presence and natural symbolism, is immersed in and integrates the ultimately real. Together they provide a typology of mind‐states with which to (...)
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  • The whole brain as the basis or the analogical expression of God.James B. Ashbrook - 1989 - Zygon 24 (1):65-81.
    As human beings we inevitably try to explain our experience. In philosophical language, we deal with transcendent assertions and aspirations. The issue, then, is: how can we talk about what matters, given the structures inherent in language and basic to the way we are made? Instead of the philosophical category of Being, I advance a case for giving the human brain privileged status as an analogical expression of God, the symbol‐concept of what matters most, and then suggest the illumination which (...)
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  • Myth and morality: The love command.Philip Hefner - 1991 - Zygon 26 (1):115-136.
    Following in general a history of religions analysis, the paper argues that myth lays a basis for morality in that it sets forth a picture of “how things really are” (the is), to which humans seek to conform their actions (morality, the ought). A parallel argument locates the capacity for morality and values orientation in the process of evolution itself. A hypothesis is formulated concerning the function of myth in the emergence of Homo sapiens, namely, to motivate the action required (...)
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  • The role of science in Pannenberg's theogical thinking.Philip Hefner - 1989 - Zygon 24 (2):135-151.
    Employing categories derived from the philosopher of science Imre Lakatos, this essay analyzes the theological thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg, with the aim of showing that he is engaged in a research program that takes seriously the various sciences and their understanding of the world on the one hand and the traditions of Christian faith and theology on the other. The course of the argument demonstrates that Pannenberg's thought extends comprehensively to provide a conceptuality that centers on the phenomena of contingency (...)
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  • Archetypes: Toward a Jungian Anthropology of Consciousness.Charles D. Laughlin & Vincenza A. Tiberia - 2012 - Anthropology of Consciousness 23 (2):127-157.
    It is very curious that C.G. Jung has had so little influence upon the anthropology of consciousness. In this paper, the reasons for this oversight are given. The archetypal psychology of Jung is summarized and shown to be more complex and useful than extreme constructivist accounts would acknowledge. Jung's thinking about consciousness fits very well with a modern neuroscience view of the psyche and acts as a corrective to relativist notions of consciousness and its relation to the self.
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  • Xunzi’s Theory of Ritual Revisited: Reading Ritual as Corporal Technology.Ori Tavor - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (3):313-330.
    This essay offers a new reading of Xunzi’s ritual theory against the backdrop of excavated technical manuals from the Mawangdui and Zhangjiashan collections. While most studies tend to focus on the sociopolitical and moral aspects of Xunzi’s thought, I attempt to demonstrate that in composing his theory of ritual, Xunzi was not only concerned with defending the Confucian tradition against the criticism of his fellow philosophical masters, but was also responding to the emergence of bio-spiritual practices such as meditation, sexual (...)
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  • Thoughts on the psychobiology of religion and the neurobiology of archetypal experience.Anthony Stevens - 1986 - Zygon 21 (1):9-29.
    There is good reason to suppose that religious belief and ritual are manifestations of the archetypal blueprint for human existence encoded in the genetic structure of our species. As a consequence, religion has become a focus of study for psychobiologists and neuroscientists. However, scientific explanations of religious experience do not “explain away” such experience nor are they substitutes for the experience itself. On the contrary, scientific discoveries may be seen as corroboration of religious insights into the unus mundus, the essential (...)
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  • The passionate mind: Brain, dreams, memory, and social categories.Robin Fox - 1986 - Zygon 21 (1):31-46.
    The intellectualist position held by structuralists does not explain the extremes of emotional reaction to the disruption of social categories. An approach from neuroscience based on the functions of the limbic system in the creation of long‐term memory through the role of the hippocampus and REM sleep is proposed to account for the emotive loading of cognitive categories.
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  • The transcendent function of the bilateral brain.Virginia Ross - 1986 - Zygon 21 (2):233-247.
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  • Hasidic contraction: A model for interhemispheric dialogue.Mordechai Rotenberg - 1986 - Zygon 21 (2):201-217.
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  • Encounter with neurobiology: The response of ritual studies.Edith L. B. Turner - 1986 - Zygon 21 (2):219-232.
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  • Human neuropsychology and the concept of culture.Lee Xenakis Blonder - 1991 - Human Nature 2 (2):83-116.
    American anthropology is distinguished by a four-fields approach in which biological, cultural, archaeological, and linguistic dimensions of behavior are examined in evolutionary and cross-cultural perspective. Nevertheless, assumptions of mind-body dualism pervade scholarly thinking in anthropology and have prevented the development of a truly integrated science of human experience. This dualism is most exemplified by the lack of consideration of the role of the brain in both “physical” and “mental” processes, including phenomena labeled as cultural. In this paper, I review neural (...)
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  • An evolutionary critique of cultural analysis in sociology.Timothy Crippen - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (4):379-412.
    A noteworthy development that has transpired in American sociology in the past quarter century has been the increasingly sophisticated interest in the analysis of human cultural systems. Sadly, however, these analyses reveal that social scientists rarely appreciate the profoundly evolutionary aspects of human culture. The chief purpose of this essay is to address this shortcoming and to offer some tentative suggestions toward its rectification. The essay begins by briefly reviewing recent developments in the analysis of cultural systems, primarily by reference (...)
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  • Rituale und Kognition: Zum Nutzen des kognitiven Erklärungsmodells von Harvey Whitehouse für die Religionswissenschaft.Magnus Echtler - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 22 (1):66-97.
    ZusammenfassungIn diesem Beitrag diskutiere ich Whitehouses Theorie der Modi der Religiosität, die den imagistischen Modus, basierend auf dem episodischen Gedächtnis, dem doktrinalen Modus, basierend auf dem semantischen Gedächtnis, gegenüber stellt. Anhand von drei Beispielen aus der religiösen Praxis und der Geschichte einer südafrikanischen Kirche – dem sakralen Tanz, dem öffentlichen Zeugnis von persönlichen Heilungserlebnissen sowie der Spaltung der Kirche – zeige ich die Begrenztheit von Whitehouses kognitivem Erklärungsmodell. Dennoch ist Whitehouses Theorie für die säkulare Religionswissenschaft von Nutzen, da er ihren (...)
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  • Architecting play.Karmen Franinovic - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (2):129-136.
    From the grotesque pavilions hidden in sixteenth century Italian gardens to the temporary structures in public space in the 70s and recent digitally augmented environments, architectures of play have long been designed to engage explorative experiences. The uncertainty of play allows us to probe new behaviors, to poke into the boundaries of subjectivity and to interact with people, things and systems in unexpected and unfamiliar ways. In this essay, we explore how an interactive system, situated in public space, may foster (...)
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  • Encounters with the religious imagination and the emergence of creativity.Arthur Saniotis - 2009 - World Futures 65 (7):464 – 476.
    Ervin Laszlo's notion of the interrelationship between evolution and creativity as being intrinsic to universal life processes has been influential to the biological and social sciences. Central to Laszlo's thinking is the notion of convergence in biological and social systems that are posited on creative complexity. In this article, I employ Laszlo's concept of creativity in relation to the human religious imagination. Cross-cultural studies of the religious imagination examine the architecture of human consciousness and ways of knowing. These two areas (...)
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  • Interfacing religion and the neurosciences: A review of twenty-five years of exploration and reflection. [REVIEW]James B. Ashbrook - 1996 - Zygon 31 (4):545-572.
    Exploration and reflection on the interfacing of religion and the neurosciences in the last twenty‐five years provide a unique point of convergence on the relationship between science and religion. A focus on two streams of consciousness characterized the first phase in the 1970s. Scholarship suggested correlates between the styles of analytical steps and synthetic leaps of imagination and the belief patterns of proclamation and manifestation. The use of lateralized consciousness was critiqued as covering too much as well as not attending (...)
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