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  1. ‘Assisted dying’ as a comforting heteronomy: the rejection of self-administration in the purported act of self-determination.David Albert Jones - 2024 - The New Bioethics 30 (2):103-122.
    Abstract‘Assisted dying’ (an umbrella term for euthanasia and/or assisted suicide) is frequently defended as an act of autonomous self-determination in death but, given a choice, between 93.3% and 100% of patients are reluctant to self-administer (median 99.5%). If required to self-administer, fewer patients request assisted death and, of these, a sizable proportion do not self-administer but die of natural causes. This manifest avoidance runs counter to the concept of autonomous self-determination, even on the supposition that suicide could truly be autonomous. (...)
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  • Can Suicide Preserve One’s Dignity? Kant and Kantians on the Moral Response to Cognitive Loss.Matthew C. Altman - 2020 - Kant Studien 111 (4):593-611.
    Kantian defenders of suicide for the soon-to-be demented claim that killing oneself would protect rather than violate a person’s inherent worth. The loss of cognitive functions reduces someone to a lower moral status, so they believe that suicide is a way of preserving or preventing the loss of dignity. I argue that they misinterpret Kant’s examples and fail to appreciate the reasons behind his absolute prohibition on suicide. Although Kant says that one may have to sacrifice one’s life to fulfill (...)
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  • Zelfdoding en de waarde van een rationeel leven.Fleur Jongepier - 2018 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 110 (4):453-472.
    Suicide and the value of a rational life In recent Kantian discussions about suicide, it is not uncommon to find relatively ‘mild’ approaches towards suicide. Even though as a rule suicide is still impermissible, some argue that there may be circumstances that can make suicide morally permissible. If a person suffers such that she cannot be considered to have a rational life any more, suicide is no longer immoral because the object of the moral duty is no longer present. In (...)
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