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  1. Demystifying Weak Measurements.R. E. Kastner - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (5):697-707.
    A large literature has grown up around the proposed use of ‘weak measurements’ to allegedly provide information about hidden ontological features of quantum systems. This paper attempts to clarify the fact that ‘weak measurements’ involve strong measurements on one member of an entangled system. The only thing ‘weak’ about such measurements is that the correlation established via the entanglement does not correspond to eigenstates of the ‘weakly measured observable’ for the remaining component system subject to the weak measurement. All observed (...)
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  • Demystifying Weak Measurements.Ruth Kastner - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (5):697-707.
    A large literature has grown up around the proposed use of 'weak measurements' to allegedly provide information about hidden ontological features of quantum systems. This paper attempts to clarify the fact that 'weak measurements' are simply strong measurements on one member of an entangled pair, and that all such measurements thus effect complete disentanglement of the pair. The only thing 'weak' about them is that the correlation established via the entanglement does not correspond to eigenstates of the 'weakly measured observable' (...)
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  • Time-Symmetrized Counterfactuals in Quantum Theory.Lev Vaidman - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (5):755-765.
    Counterfactuals in quantum theory are briefly reviewed and it is argued that they are very different from counterfactuals considered in the general philosophical literature. The issue of time symmetry of quantum counterfactuals is considered and a novel time-symmetric definition of quantum counterfactuals is proposed. This definition is applied for analyzing several controversies related to quantum counterfactuals.
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  • What Is a Quantum-Mechanical “Weak Value” the Value of?Bengt E. Y. Svensson - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (10):1193-1205.
    A so called “weak value” of an observable in quantum mechanics (QM) may be obtained in a weak measurement + post-selection procedure on the QM system under study. Applied to number operators, it has been invoked in revisiting some QM paradoxes (e.g., the so called Three-Box Paradox and Hardy’s Paradox). This requires the weak value to be interpreted as a bona fide property of the system considered, a par with entities like operator mean values and eigenvalues. I question such an (...)
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  • How (not) to understand weak measurements of velocities.Johannes Fankhauser & Patrick M. Dürr - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 85:16-29.
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  • The Three-Box “Paradox” and Other Reasons to Reject the Counterfactual Usage of the ABL Rule.R. E. Kastner - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (6):851-863.
    An apparent paradox proposed by Aharonov and Vaidman in which a single particle can be found with certainty in two (or more) boxes is analyzed by way of a simple thought experiment. It is found that the apparent paradox arises from an invalid counterfactual usage of the Aharonov-Bergmann-Lebowitz (ABL) rule and effectively attributes conflicting properties not to the same particle but no different particles. A connection is made between the present analysis and the consistent histories formulation of Griffiths. Finally, a (...)
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  • Time Symmetry and the Many-Worlds Interpretation.Lev Vaidman - 2010 - In Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent & David Wallace (eds.), Many Worlds?: Everett, Quantum Theory, & Reality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    An attempt to solve the collapse problem in the framework of a time-symmetric quantum formalism is reviewed. Although the proposal does not look very attractive, its concept - a world defined by two quantum states, one evolving forwards and one evolving backwards in time - is found to be useful in modifying the many-worlds picture of Everett’s theory.
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  • Weak values and consistent histories in quantum theory.Ruth Kastner - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (1):57-71.
    ABSTRACT: A relation is obtained between weak values of quantum observables and the consistency criterion for histories of quantum events. It is shown that ``strange'' weak values for projection operators always correspond to inconsistent families of histories. It is argued that using the ABL rule to obtain probabilities for counterfactual measurements corresponding to those strange weak values gives inconsistent results. This problem is shown to be remedied by using the conditional weight, or pseudo-probability, obtained from the multiple-time application of Luders' (...)
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  • The nature of the controversy over time‐symmetric quantum counterfactuals.Ruth E. Kastner - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (1):145-163.
    It is proposed that the recent controversy over "time-symmetric quantum counterfactuals" (TSQCs), based on the Aharonov-Bergmann-Lebowitz Rule for measurements of pre- and post-selected systems, can be clarified by taking TSQCs to be counterfactuals with a specific type of compound antecedent. In that case, inconsistency proofs such as that of Sharp and Shanks (1993) are not applicable, and the main issue becomes not whether such statements are true, but whether they are nontrivial. The latter question is addressed and answered in the (...)
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  • The transactional interpretation, counterfactuals, and weak values in quantum theory.Ruth E. Kastner - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (4):806-818.
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  • Anomalous Weak Values are Caused by Disturbance.Asger C. Ipsen - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-18.
    In combination with post-selection, weak measurements can lead to surprising results known as anomalous weak values. These lie outside the bounds of the spectrum of the relevant observable, as in the canonical example of measuring the spin of an electron (along some axis) to be 100. We argue that the disturbance caused by the weak measurement, while small, is sufficient to significantly affect the measurement result, and that this is the most reasonable explanation of anomalous weak values.
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  • Weak Measurement and Weak Information.Boaz Tamir & Sergei Masis - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (4):531-543.
    Weak measurement devices resemble band pass filters: they strengthen average values in the state space or equivalently filter out some ‘frequencies’ from the conjugate Fourier transformed vector space. We thereby adjust a principle of classical communication theory for the use in quantum computation. We discuss some of the computational benefits and limitations of such an approach, including complexity analysis, some simple examples and a realistic not-so-weak approach.
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