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  1. Commodification and Human Interests.Julian J. Koplin - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):429-440.
    In Markets Without Limits and a series of related papers, Jason Brennan and Peter Jaworski argue that it is morally permissible to buy and sell anything that it is morally permissible to possess and exchange outside of the market. Accordingly, we should open markets in “contested commodities” including blood, gametes, surrogacy services, and transplantable organs. This paper clarifies some important aspects of the case for market boundaries and in so doing shows why there are in fact moral limits to the (...)
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  • Surrogacy, Compensation, and Legal Parentage: Against the Adoption Model.Liezl van Zyl & Ruth Walker - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (3):383-387.
    Surrogate motherhood is treated as a form of adoption in many countries: the birth mother and her partner are presumed to be the parents of the child, while the intended parents have to adopt the baby once it is born. Other than compensation for expenses related to the pregnancy, payment to surrogates is not permitted. We believe that the failure to compensate surrogate mothers for their labour as well as the significant risks they undertake is both unfair and exploitative. We (...)
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  • Regulating the international surrogacy market:the ethics of commercial surrogacy in the Netherlands and India.Jaden Blazier & Rien Janssens - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (4):621-630.
    It is unclear what proper remuneration for surrogacy is, since countries disagree and both commercial and altruistic surrogacy have ethical drawbacks. In the presence of cross-border surrogacy, these ethical drawbacks are exacerbated. In this article, we explore what would be ethical remuneration for surrogacy, and suggest regulations for how to ensure this in the international context. A normative ethical analysis of commercial surrogacy is conducted. Various arguments against commercial surrogacy are explored, such as exploitation and commodification of surrogates, reproductive capacities, (...)
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  • Ongoing Commercialization of Gestational Surrogacy due to Globalization of the Reproductive Market before and after the Pandemic.Yuri Hibino - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 14 (4):349-361.
    Surrogacy tourism in Asian countries has surged in recent decades due to affordable prices and favourable regulations. Although it has recently been banned in many countries, it is still carried out illegally across borders. With demand for surrogacy in developed countries increasing and economically vulnerable Asian women lured by lucrative compensation, there are efforts by guest countries to ease the strict surrogacy regulations in host countries. Despite a shift toward “altruistic surrogacy”, commercial surrogacy persists. Recent research carried out by international (...)
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  • (1 other version)An ethical comparison of living kidney donation and surrogacy: understanding the relational dimension.Katharina Beier & Sabine Wöhlke - 2019 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 14 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundThe bioethical debates concerning living donation and surrogacy revolve around similar ethical questions and moral concepts. Nevertheless, the ethical discourses in both fields grew largely isolated from each other.MethodsBased on a review of ethical, sociological and anthropological research this paper aims to link the ethical discourses on living kidney donation and surrogacy by providing a comparative analysis of the two practices’ relational dimension with regard to three aspects, i.e. the normative role of relational dynamics, social norms and gender roles, and (...)
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  • Hosting the others’ child? Relational work and embodied responsibility in altruistic surrogate motherhood.Kristin Zeiler & Sarah Jane Toledano - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (2):159-175.
    Studies on surrogate motherhood have mostly explored paid arrangements through the lens of a contract model, as clinical work or as a maternal identity-building project. Turning to the under-examined case of unpaid, so-called altruistic surrogate motherhood and based on an analysis of interviews with women who had been unpaid surrogate mothers in a full gestational surrogacy with a friend or relative in Canada, the United States or Australia, this article explores altruistic surrogate motherhood as relational work. It argues that this (...)
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  • The Representation of Cross-Border Surrogacy in Australian Surrogacy Events.Yingyi Luo, Denise Cuthbert & Shelley Marshall - 2023 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 16 (2):95-114.
    As a method of family formation, cross-border surrogacy is controversial and beset by risks of exploitation. This article extends the literature on surrogacy by examining the way Australian surrogacy promotion and information events represent cross-border surrogacy. It examines the emerging phenomenon of surrogacy events held by a not-for-profit surrogacy organization to promote cross-border surrogacy in Australia—a country that prohibits commercial surrogacy. The article draws on observations from a series of surrogacy events in Australia and online during the 2019–21 time period. (...)
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  • (1 other version)An ethical comparison of living kidney donation and surrogacy: understanding the relational dimension.Katharina Beier & Sabine Wöhlke - 2019 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 14 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundThe bioethical debates concerning living donation and surrogacy revolve around similar ethical questions and moral concepts. Nevertheless, the ethical discourses in both fields grew largely isolated from each other.MethodsBased on a review of ethical, sociological and anthropological research this paper aims to link the ethical discourses on living kidney donation and surrogacy by providing a comparative analysis of the two practices’ relational dimension with regard to three aspects, i.e. the normative role of relational dynamics, social norms and gender roles, and (...)
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  • Kohtuja ja kohtuuttomuuksia: sijaissynnytystyön bioetiikkaa.Tiia Sudenkaarne - 2020 - Ajatus 77 (1):101-130.
    Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelen feministisen bioetiikan näkökulmia sijaissynnyttämiseen. Keskityn erityisesti sijaissynnytykseen konstruoimiseen työksi, äitiyden käsitteeseen sekä kaupallisuuden ja sen määrittelemisen pohdintaan. Kysyn, onko sijaissynnyttäjälle maksettava palkkio riittävä tai välttämättä edes moraalisesti keskeisin eettisesti kestämättömän kaupallisuuden määrittäjä. Esitän, että sijaissynnyttämisen mieltäminen työksi voisi auttaa laatimaan eettisesti kestävää säätelyä, jota Suomessa ei tällä hetkellä ole. Sijaissynnyttämisen täyskielto Suomen kaltaisissa korkean reproduktioterveyden, globaalisti verraten pienten tuloerojen maissa ruokkii kolonialistista reproduktioturismia. Katson, että äitiyden käsitteellistä paikkaa sijaissynnytyskonstruktioissa ja sen vaikutuksia sijaissynnytyskäytenteisiin tulisi tarkastella kriittisesti. Nähdäkseni sijaissynnytystä (...)
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