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  1. The Problems of Empirically-Informed Arguments for and against Retributivism.Valerij Zisman & Paul Rehren - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-27.
    In recent years, a number of philosophers and social scientists have argued in favor of or against retributive theories of criminal punishment based on empirical findings about folk punitive judgment and decision-making. In this paper, we will argue that these arguments do not succeed. We will raise two objections. First, there are serious gaps between the empirical findings these authors cite and the descriptive premises these findings are meant to support. Second, in many cases, the existing research does not support (...)
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  • An exploration of third parties’ preference for compensation over punishment: six experimental demonstrations.Janne van Doorn, Marcel Zeelenberg & Seger M. Breugelmans - 2018 - Theory and Decision 85 (3-4):333-351.
    Research suggests that to restore equity, third parties prefer compensation of a victim over the punishment of a perpetrator. It remains unclear, however, whether this preference for compensation is stable or specific to certain situations. In six experimental studies, we find that adjustments in the characteristics of the situation or in the available behavioral options hardly modify the preference of compensation over punishment. This preference for compensation was found even in cases where punishment might refrain a perpetrator from acting unfairly (...)
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