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  1. Reading Logos as Speech: Heidegger, Aristotle and Rhetorical Politics.Stuart Elden - 2005 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 38 (4):281-301.
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  • Existence and the communicatively competent self.Martin Beck Matus - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (3):93-120.
    Most readers of Habermas would not classify him as an existential thinker. The view of Habermas as a philosopher in German Idealist and Critical traditions from Kant to Hegel and Marx to the Frankfurt School prevails among Continental as much as among analytic philosophers. And the mainstream Anglo-American reception of his work and politics is shaped by the approaches of formal analysis rather than those of existential and social phenomenology or even current American pragmatism. One may argue that both these (...)
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  • Heidegger’s Critical Confrontation with the Concept of Truth as Validity.Joshua Fahmy-Hooke - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1).
    My primary goal in this article is to provide a historical reconstruction of Heidegger’s relationship to Hermann Lotze’s logic of validity (Logik der Gültigkeit). Lotze’s characterization of truth’s “actuality” solidifies the fallacious presupposition that the essence of truth is to be understood primarily in terms of logical assertions. In Heidegger’s view, the predicates “true” and “false,” as the paradigmatic attributes of propositions and judgments, are derivatives of a fundamental and “primary being of truth” known as disclosedness (Erschlossenheit). Heidegger marks this (...)
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  • Authentic selfhood in Heidegger and Rosenzweig.Richard A. Cohen - 1993 - Human Studies 16 (1-2):111 - 128.
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  • Ruina y recuperación de la vida: La hermenéutica en el joven Heidegger.Carlos Arturo Bedoya Rodas - 2014 - Universitas Philosophica 31 (62).
    El artículo se propone ofrecer un acercamiento a la concepción de filosofía que subyace al proyecto de una hermenéutica de la facticidad elaborado por Martin Heidegger entre 1919-1923. Esta aproximación se lleva a cabo a través del desarrollo que en la constitución de tal proyecto tiene el fenómeno de la ruina. La centralidad que este ocupa en el desarrollo temprano del pensamiento de Heidegger y, particularmente, en el curso del semestre de invierno de 1921/22, que lleva por título Interpretaciones fenomenológicas (...)
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  • La semilla del humanismo. Moralidad y ontología fundamental en Heidegger.Germán Darío Vélez López - 2014 - Co-herencia 11 (20):121-139.
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  • The Ambiguity of Facticity in Heidegger’s Early Work.Leslie MacAvoy - 2013 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 5 (1):99-106.
    The Early Heidegger’s Philosophy of Life: Facticity, Being and Language offers an interpretation of Heidegger’s concept of facticity as it is articulated in connection with the ideas of life and language in the lecture courses from 1919225. The book argues that facticity is both the source of vitality for theory and a source of deception and falsehood and therefore cannot be viewed in either positive or negative terms exclusively, but must instead be viewed as ambiguous. This essay argues that this (...)
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  • Heidegger Becoming Phenomenological: Interpreting Husserl through Dilthey, 1916–1925. [REVIEW]David C. Abergel - 2020 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (3):313-317.
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  • The Intensity of Lived-Experience in Martin Heidegger’s Basic Problems of Phenomenology : A Comparison to Being and Time. [REVIEW]Scott M. Campbell - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (4):581-599.
    The following essay compares and contrasts Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time with an earlier lecture course that he delivered in the Winter Semester of 1919/2020 entitled Basic Problems of Phenomenology. Heidegger says explicitly that the pre-phenomenal basis for his analysis in Being and Time is “entities” in their equipmental totality. He calls these the “preliminary theme” for his analysis of Dasein. While the analytic of Dasein is the first step in posing the question of Being, the pre-phenomenal basis for the (...)
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