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  1. The Church-Turing Thesis.B. Jack Copeland - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    There are various equivalent formulations of the Church-Turing thesis. A common one is that every effective computation can be carried out by a Turing machine. The Church-Turing thesis is often misunderstood, particularly in recent writing in the philosophy of mind.
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  • On the Origin of Venn Diagrams.Amirouche Moktefi & Jens Lemanski - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (3):887-900.
    In this paper we argue that there were several currents, ideas and problems in 19th-century logic that motivated John Venn to develop his famous logic diagrams. To this end, we first examine the problem of uncertainty or over-specification in syllogistic that became obvious in Euler diagrams. In the 19th century, numerous logicians tried to solve this problem. The most famous was the attempt to introduce dashed circles into Euler diagrams. The solution that John Venn developed for this problem, however, came (...)
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  • Boundary.Achille C. Varzi - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    We think of a boundary whenever we think of an entity demarcated from its surroundings. There is a boundary (a line) separating Maryland and Pennsylvania. There is a boundary (a circle) isolating the interior of a disc from its exterior. There is a boundary (a surface) enclosing the bulk of this apple. Sometimes the exact location of a boundary is unclear or otherwise controversial (as when you try to trace out the margins of Mount Everest, or even the boundary of (...)
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  • A Diagrammatic Notation for Visualizing Epistemic Entities and Relations.Kye Palider, Ameer Sarwar, Hakob Barseghyan, Paul Patton, Julia Da Silva, Torin Doppelt, Nichole Levesley, Jessica Rapson, Jamie Shaw, Yifang Zhang & Amna Zulfiqar - 2021 - Scientonomy 4:87–139.
    This paper presents a diagrammatic notation for visualizing epistemic entities and relations. The notation was created during the Visualizing Worldviews project funded by the University of Toronto’s Jackman Humanities Institute and has been further developed by the scholars participating in the university’s Research Opportunity Program. Since any systematic diagrammatic notation should be based on a solid ontology of the respective domain, we first outline the current state of the scientonomic ontology. We then proceed to providing diagrammatic tools for visualizing the (...)
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  • Lewis Carroll's visual logic.Francine F. Abeles - 2007 - History and Philosophy of Logic 28 (1):1-17.
    John Venn and Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) created systems of logic diagrams capable of representing classes (sets) and their relations in the form of propositions. Each is a proof method for syllogisms, and Carroll's is a sound and complete system. For a large number of sets, Carroll diagrams are easier to draw because of their self-similarity and algorithmic construction. This regularity makes it easier to locate and thereby to erase cells corresponding with classes destroyed by the premises of an (...)
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  • Syllogisms in Rudimentary Linear Logic, Diagrammatically.Ruggero Pagnan - 2013 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 22 (1):71-113.
    We present a reading of the traditional syllogistics in a fragment of the propositional intuitionistic multiplicative linear logic and prove that with respect to a diagrammatic logical calculus that we introduced in a previous paper, a syllogism is provable in such a fragment if and only if it is diagrammatically provable. We extend this result to syllogistics with complemented terms à la De Morgan, with respect to a suitable extension of the diagrammatic reasoning system for the traditional case and a (...)
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  • On the Diagrammatic Representation of Existential Statements with Venn Diagrams.Amirouche Moktefi & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (4):361-374.
    It is of common use in modern Venn diagrams to mark a compartment with a cross to express its non-emptiness. Modern scholars seem to derive this convention from Charles S. Peirce, with the assumption that it was unknown to John Venn. This paper demonstrates that Venn actually introduced several methods to represent existentials but felt uneasy with them. The resistance to formalize existentials was not limited to diagrammatic systems, as George Boole and his followers also failed to provide a satisfactory (...)
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  • Lewis Carroll's Formal Logic.Francine Abeles - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (1):33-46.
    Charles L. Dodgson's reputation as a significant figure in nineteenth-century logic was firmly established when the philosopher and historian of philosophy William Warren Bartley, III published Dodgson's ?lost? book of logic, Part II of Symbolic Logic, in 1977. Bartley's commentary and annotations confirm that Dodgson was a superb technical innovator. In this paper, I closely examine Dodgson's methods and their evolution in the two parts of Symbolic Logic to clarify and justify Bartley's claims. Then, using more recent publications and unpublished (...)
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  • The Semiotics of Spider Diagrams.James Burton & John Howse - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (2):177-204.
    Spider diagrams are based on Euler and Venn/Peirce diagrams, forming a system which is as expressive as monadic first order logic with equality. Rather than being primarily intended for logicians, spider diagrams were developed at the end of the 1990s in the context of visual modelling and software specification. We examine the original goals of the designers, the ways in which the notation has evolved and its connection with the philosophical origins of the logical diagrams of Euler, Venn and Peirce (...)
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  • Towards a default reading for constraint diagrams.Andrew Fish & John Howse - 2004 - In A. Blackwell, K. Marriott & A. Shimojima (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Springer. pp. 51--65.
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  • Handbook of Logical Thought in India.Sundar Sarukkai & Mihir Chakraborty (eds.) - 2018 - New Delhi, India: Springer.
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  • Evaluating Free Rides and Observational Advantages in Set Visualizations.Andrew Blake, Gem Stapleton, Peter Rodgers & Anestis Touloumis - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (3):557-600.
    Free rides and observational advantages occur in visualizations when they reveal facts that must be inferred from an alternative representation. Understanding whether these concepts correspond to cognitive advantages is important: do they facilitate information extraction, saving the ‘deductive cost’ of making inferences? This paper presents the first evaluations of free rides and observational advantages in visualizations of sets compared to text. We found that, for Euler and linear diagrams, free rides and observational advantages yielded significant improvements in task performance. For (...)
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  • Minds, machines and economic agents: Cambridge receptions of Boole and Babbage.Simon Cook - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 36 (2):331-350.
    In the 1860s and 1870s the logic of Boole and the calculating machines of Babbage were key resources in W. S. Jevons’s attempt to construct a mechanical model of the mind, and both therefore played an important role in Jevons’s attempted revolution in economic theory. In this same period both Boole and Babbage were studied within the Cambridge Moral Sciences Tripos, but the Cambridge reading of Boole and Babbage was much more circumspect. Implicitly following the division of the moral sciences (...)
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  • Punnett's square.A. W. F. Edwards - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):219-224.
    The origin and development of Punnett’s Square for the enumeration and display of genotypes arising in a cross in Mendelian genetics is described. Due to R. C. Punnett, the idea evolved through the work of the ‘Cambridge geneticists’, including Punnett’s colleagues William Bateson, E. R. Saunders and R. H. Lock, soon after the rediscovery of Mendel’s paper in 1900. These geneticists were thoroughly familiar with Mendel’s paper, which itself contained a similar square diagram. A previously-unpublished three-factor diagram by Sir Francis (...)
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  • Aristotelian Assertoric Syllogistic.Mohamed Amer - manuscript
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  • Redescubriendo la lógica diagramática de Leibniz.J. Martín Castro Manzano - 2016 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 52:89-116.
    En este artículo recuperamos la lógica diagramática lineal de Leibniz para la silogística y descubrimos sus propiedades lógicas y computacionales a través de una aproximación formal en términos metalógicos, lo cual es algo que, hasta donde sabemos, aún falta por hacerse. Así, en esta contribución buscamos, respectivamente, dos metas, una histórica y una lógica: i) prestar más atención a los aspectos algorítmicos del sistema diagramático lineal de Leibniz para la silogística, de los cuales creemos que han sido desdeñados por un (...)
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  • Some Reflections on the Set-based and the Conditional-based Interpretations of Statements in Syllogistic Reasoning.Martin Pereira-Fariña - 2014 - Archives for the Philosophy and History of Soft Computing 2014 (1).
    In the analysis of syllogistic reasoning, a type of inference patternbased on the chaining of terms through quantified statements, two interpretationsabout them can be found in the literature. One is the so-called set-based interpretation,which assumes that quantified statements and syllogisms talk aboutquantity-relationships between sets. The other one, the so-called conditionalinterpretation, assumes that they talk about conditional propositions and howstrong are the links between the antecedent and the consequent. In this paper,we expose both models and formulate three relevant questions to be (...)
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