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  1. Anaxágoras y su recepción en Aristóteles.David [Vnv] Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2014 - EDUSC.
    ¿Cuál es el origen de todas las cosas? A pesar de su gran diversidad, ¿tienen una raíz común? ¿Tuvo el mundo un comienzo? ¿Cómo surgió la vida en la tierra? Tales preguntas, que aún provocan a los científicos, fueron formuladas por vez primera por los primeros pensadores griegos. Anaxágoras responde a ellas poniendo al inicio del tiempo una confusa mezcla de todas las cosas sobre la cual obró un ser llamado Intelecto, quien dio lugar al orden del mundo que hoy (...)
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  • Between Religion and Philosophy: the Function of Allegory in the Derveni Papyrus.André Laks - 1997 - Phronesis 42 (2):121-142.
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  • The Votum of 477/6 B.C. and the Foundation Legend of Locri Epizephyrii.Christiane Sourvinou - 1974 - Classical Quarterly 24 (02):186-.
    The story of the votum made by the inhabitants of Locri Epizephyrii in 477/6 is well known: they vowed to prostitute their virgin daughters at the festival of Aphrodite, if they were granted victory over the tyrant Leophron of Rhegion who was directing an attack against their city. The threat, which was very serious, was overcome thanks to Hieron of Syracuse, but the Locrians did not fulfil the votum; they were reminded of it more than a century later, but that (...)
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  • The Votum of 477/6 B.C. and the Foundation Legend of Locri Epizephyrii.Christiane Sourvinou - 1974 - Classical Quarterly 24 (2):186-198.
    The story of the votum made by the inhabitants of Locri Epizephyrii in 477/6 is well known: they vowed to prostitute their virgin daughters at the festival of Aphrodite, if they were granted victory over the tyrant Leophron of Rhegion who was directing an attack against their city. The threat, which was very serious, was overcome thanks to Hieron of Syracuse, but the Locrians did not fulfil the votum; they were reminded of it more than a century later, but that (...)
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  • Beauté et critique des emblèmes : politiques du visible en Afrique.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2013 - Diogène 237 (1):96-108.
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  • “I would rather die before or be born afterwards”.Néstor Luis Cordero - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 21:41-64.
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  • Olemisen oikeudenmukaisuus: laki ja järjestys esisokraattisilla ajattelijoilla.Jussi Backman - 2015 - Tiede Ja Edistys 40 (1):27-42.
    Lähtökohtanaan Jean-Paul Vernantin ja Albrecht Dihlen historialliset teesit artikkeli tarkastelee tärkeimpien ”lakia ja järjestystä” ilmaisevien käsitteiden (nomos, dikē) roolia esisokraattisten filosofien, erityisesti Anaksimandroksen, Herakleitoksen ja Parmenideen, ajattelussa. Arkaaisessa kreikkalaisessa ajatusmaailmassa sekä luonnon että ihmisyhteisön sisäinen tasapaino ilmentää moninaisen jumalmaailman ja ihmisten välistä vuorovaikutusta. Esisokraatikot ajattelevat todellisuutta eriytyneenä ykseytenä, jonka moninaisuutta sitoo yhteen yhtenäinen perusrakenne; tämän mallin uusi filosofia jäsentää uudesta polis-ajattelusta lainattujen käsitteiden avulla. Tämä esisokraatikkojen ”poliittinen ontologia” ja toisaalta nomoksen, yhteisöllisen normiston, enenevä ymmärtäminen inhimillisenä konventiona, mahdollistaa fysiksen ja nomoksen, (...)
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  • Normativiteit.A. Troost - 1992 - Philosophia Reformata 57 (1):3-38.
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  • Comparative foundations of Eastern and Western thought.Daniel Memmi - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (3):359-368.
    Modern science and technology originated in Western Europe within a specific culture, but they have now been adopted and developed by several Eastern countries as well. We analyze the features of Western culture that may explain the rise of modern science with its associated economic development. A comparative analysis of Eastern cultures will then help us evaluate how far could contemporary science be successfully integrated within very different cultures. Without denying the role of social and political institutions, we would like (...)
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  • L’ingénierie et ses mythes.Olivier Gaudin & Frédérique Lerbet-Sereni - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (4):43-54.
    If the professionalization of the social professions is increasingly based on the model of professionalization engineering, what are the imaginaries underlying this movement? How can we understand that the profession of engineer, the one who, at least in the imagination, invents and designs machines with a magically predictable functioning, can be the model for designing training systems for the helping professions? This contribution proposes to explore these questions through two mythological figures often summoned when it comes to engineering and technology (...)
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  • Le désir du milieu.Victor Petit - 2017 - la Deleuziana 6:10-25.
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  • (1 other version)¿Es la contra-cultura cínica una negación de las Bellas Artes? Una provocación moderna cara al filósofo-artista.François Gagin - 2014 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 20:247-270.
    Resumen Es bien conocida esa extrañeza que desde la Antigüedad provocan, en relación con el quehacer filosófico, el gesto y el verbo cínicos; además de convocar intelectualmente en un modo moderno a esa escuela o esa manera de vivir filosóficamente, se cuestionará la noción de cultura y la de lo bello, para así provocar un ejercicio crítico del pensamiento y revelar la figuración viva y actual de un modo de filosofar artísticamente, por lo menos desde el verbo escrito en su (...)
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