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  1. Definitions and Conceptual Dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation: A Literature Review.Mirjam Burget, Emanuele Bardone & Margus Pedaste - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):1-19.
    The aim of this study is to provide a discussion on the definitions and conceptual dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovation based on findings from the literature. In the study, the outcomes of a literature review of 235 RRI-related articles were presented. The articles were selected from the EBSCO and Google Scholar databases regarding the definitions and dimensions of RRI. The results of the study indicated that while administrative definitions were widely quoted in the reviewed literature, they were not substantially (...)
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  • A critical hermeneutic reflection on the paradigm-level assumptions underlying responsible innovation.Job Timmermans & Vincent Blok - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 19):4635-4666.
    The current challenges of implementing responsible innovation can in part be traced back to the assumptions behind the ways of thinking that ground the different pre-existing theories and approaches that are shared under the RI-umbrella. Achieving the ideals of RI, therefore not only requires a shift on an operational and systemic level but also at the paradigm-level. In order to develop a deeper understanding of this paradigm shift, this paper analyses the paradigm-level assumptions that are being brought forward by the (...)
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  • An unfinished journey? Reflections on a decade of responsible research and innovation, Journal of Responsible Innovation.Rene Von Schomberg, Richard Owen & Phil Macnaghten - 2021 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 2:1-17.
    We reflect on a decade of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) as a discourse emerging from the European Commission (EC) 10 years ago. We discuss the foundations for RRI, its emergence during the Seventh Framework programme and its subsequent evolution during Horizon 2020. We discuss how an original vision for RRI became framed around five so-called ‘keys’: gender, open access, science communication, ethics and public engagement. We consider the prospects for RRI within the context of the EC’s Open Science agenda (...)
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  • Anticipating ethical issues in emerging IT.Philip A. E. Brey - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (4):305-317.
    In this essay, a new approach to the ethics of emerging information technology will be presented, called anticipatory technology ethics (ATE). The ethics of emerging technology is the study of ethical issues at the R&D and introduction stage of technology development through anticipation of possible future devices, applications, and social consequences. In the essay, I will first locate emerging technology in the technology development cycle, after which I will consider ethical approaches to emerging technologies, as well as obstacles in developing (...)
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  • Devices of Responsibility: Over a Decade of Responsible Research and Innovation Initiatives for Nanotechnologies.Clare Shelley-Egan, Diana M. Bowman & Douglas K. R. Robinson - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (6):1719-1746.
    Responsible research and innovation has come to represent a change in the relationship between science, technology and society. With origins in the democratisation of science, and the inclusion of ethical and societal aspects in research and development activities, RRI offers a means of integrating society and the research and innovation communities. In this article, we frame RRI activities through the lens of layers of science and technology governance as a means of characterising the context in which the RRI activity is (...)
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  • Artificial intelligence ELSI score for science and technology: a comparison between Japan and the US.Tilman Hartwig, Yuko Ikkatai, Naohiro Takanashi & Hiromi M. Yokoyama - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1609-1626.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become indispensable in our lives. The development of a quantitative scale for AI ethics is necessary for a better understanding of public attitudes toward AI research ethics and to advance the discussion on using AI within society. For this study, we developed an AI ethics scale based on AI-specific scenarios. We investigated public attitudes toward AI ethics in Japan and the US using online questionnaires. We designed a test set using four dilemma scenarios and questionnaire items (...)
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  • Democratizing ownership and participation in the 4th Industrial Revolution: challenges and opportunities in cellular agriculture.Robert M. Chiles, Garrett Broad, Mark Gagnon, Nicole Negowetti, Leland Glenna, Megan A. M. Griffin, Lina Tami-Barrera, Siena Baker & Kelly Beck - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):943-961.
    The emergence of the “4th Industrial Revolution,” i.e. the convergence of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, advanced materials, and bioengineering technologies, could accelerate socioeconomic insecurities and anxieties or provide beneficial alternatives to the status quo. In the post-Covid-19 era, the entities that are best positioned to capitalize on these innovations are large firms, which use digital platforms and big data to orchestrate vast ecosystems of users and extract market share across industry sectors. Nonetheless, these technologies also have the potential (...)
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  • The elusive transformation of research and innovation. The overlooked complexities of value alignment and joint responsibility.Giovanni De Grandis - 2025 - In Giovanni De Grandis & Anne Blanchard, The Fragility of Responsibility. Norway’s Transformative Agenda for Research, Innovation and Business. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 83-116.
    RRI is a broad concept that is subject to different interpretations. This chapter focuses on the view of RRI as a transformative ideal for reforming the research and innovation system in the service of public interest. This is the normatively strong view of RRI that has attracted many policy-makers and young researchers but left cold many senior researchers and innovators. The transformative vision of RRI has failed to materialise, and RRI remains a marginal reality, even in Norway, where arguably the (...)
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  • Trustworthiness and Responsible Research and Innovation: The Case of the Bio-Economy.Lotte Asveld, Jurgen Ganzevles & Patricia Osseweijer - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (3):571-588.
    The approach of responsible research and innovation has been proposed to support the introduction of technologies that touch upon socially sensitive issues. RRI is intended to help designers and manufacturers of new technologies identify and accommodate public concerns when developing a new technology by engaging with a wide range of relevant actors in an interactive, transparent process. However what this approach amounts to exactly remains elusive as of yet, i.e. it is unclear what its contribution to the societal embedding of (...)
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  • Ethical and Social Aspects of Neurorobotics.Christine Aicardi, Simisola Akintoye, B. Tyr Fothergill, Manuel Guerrero, Gudrun Klinker, William Knight, Lars Klüver, Yannick Morel, Fabrice O. Morin, Bernd Carsten Stahl & Inga Ulnicane - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2533-2546.
    The interdisciplinary field of neurorobotics looks to neuroscience to overcome the limitations of modern robotics technology, to robotics to advance our understanding of the neural system’s inner workings, and to information technology to develop tools that support those complementary endeavours. The development of these technologies is still at an early stage, which makes them an ideal candidate for proactive and anticipatory ethical reflection. This article explains the current state of neurorobotics development within the Human Brain Project, originating from a close (...)
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  • Holding the Project Accountable: Research Governance, Ethics, and Democracy.Matthias Leese - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1597-1616.
    This paper seeks to address research governance by highlighting the notion of public accountability as a complementary tool for the establishment of an ethical resonance space for emerging technologies. Public accountability can render development and design process of emerging technologies transparent through practices of holding those in charge of research accountable for their actions, thereby fostering ethical engagement with their potential negative consequences or side-effects. Through practices such as parliamentary questions, audits, and open letters emerging technologies could be effectively rendered (...)
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  • The societal impact of the emerging quantum technologies: a renewed urgency to make quantum theory understandable.Pieter E. Vermaas - 2017 - Ethics and Information Technology 19 (4):241-246.
    This paper introduces the special issue The societal impact of the emerging quantum technologies as a contribution to a more inclusive societal debate on quantum technologies. It brings together five contributions. Three are authored by quantum technology researchers who give explorations of the possible impacts of quantum technologies on science, industry and society. The fourth contribution discusses within the framework of responsible research and innovation, the ways in which quantum technologies and the societal debate about them are presented in European (...)
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  • Installing Telecare, Installing Users: Felicity Conditions for the Instauration of Usership.Miquel Domènech, Celia Roberts, Daniel López & Tomás Sánchez-Criado - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (5):694-719.
    This article reports on ethnographic research into the practical and ethical consequences of the implementation and use of telecare devices for older people living at home in Spain and the United Kingdom. Telecare services are said to allow the maintenance of their users’ autonomy through connectedness, relieving the isolation from which many older people suffer amid rising demands for care. However, engaging with Science and Technology Studies literature on “user configuration” and implementation processes, we argue here that neither services nor (...)
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  • Is tomorrow’s car appealing today? Ethical issues and user attitudes beyond automation.Darja Vrščaj, Sven Nyholm & Geert P. J. Verbong - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):1033-1046.
    The literature on ethics and user attitudes towards AVs discusses user concerns in relation to automation; however, we show that there are additional relevant issues at stake. To assess adolescents’ attitudes regarding the ‘car of the future’ as presented by car manufacturers, we conducted two studies with over 400 participants altogether. We used a mixed methods approach in which we combined qualitative and quantitative methods. In the first study, our respondents appeared to be more concerned about other aspects of AVs (...)
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  • The Societal Readiness Thinking Tool: A Practical Resource for Maturing the Societal Readiness of Research Projects.Michael J. Bernstein, Mathias Wullum Nielsen, Emil Alnor, André Brasil, Astrid Lykke Birkving, Tung Tung Chan, Erich Griessler, Stefan de Jong, Wouter van de Klippe, Ingeborg Meijer, Emad Yaghmaei, Peter Busch Nicolaisen, Mika Nieminen, Peter Novitzky & Niels Mejlgaard - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (1):1-32.
    In this paper, we introduce the Societal Readiness Thinking Tool to aid researchers and innovators in developing research projects with greater responsiveness to societal values, needs, and expectations. The need for societally-focused approaches to research and innovation—complementary to Technology Readiness frameworks—is presented. Insights from responsible research and innovation concepts and practice, organized across critical stages of project-life cycles are discussed with reference to the development of the SR Thinking Tool. The tool is designed to complement not only shortfalls in TR (...)
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  • The EPSRC’s Policy of Responsible Innovation from a Trading Zones Perspective.Joseph Murphy, Sarah Parry & John Walls - 2016 - Minerva 54 (2):151-174.
    Responsible innovation is gathering momentum as an academic and policy debate linking science and society. Advocates of RI in research policy argue that scientific research should be opened up at an early stage so that many actors and issues can steer innovation trajectories. If this is done, they suggest, new technologies will be more responsible in different ways, better aligned with what society wants, and mistakes of the past will be avoided. This paper analyses the dynamics of RI in policy (...)
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  • Governance of research consortia: challenges of implementing Responsible Research and Innovation within Europe.Jane Kaye, Sarah Coy, Heather Gowans, Miranda Mourby & Michael Morrison - 2020 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 16 (1):1-19.
    Responsible Research and Innovation (‘RRI’) is a cross-cutting priority for scientific research in the European Union and beyond. This paper considers whether the way such research is organised and delivered lends itself to the aims of RRI. We focus particularly on international consortia, which have emerged as a common model to organise large-scale, multi-disciplinary research in contemporary biomedical science. Typically, these consortia operate through fixed-term contracts, and employ governance frameworks consisting of reasonably standard, modular components such as management committees, advisory (...)
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  • Case Study of R-1234yf Refrigerant: Implications for the Framework for Responsible Innovation.Rafał Wodzisz - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1413-1433.
    Safety and care for the natural environment are two of the most important values that drive scientific enterprise in twentieth century. Researchers and innovators often develop new technologies aimed at pollution reduction, and therefore satisfy the strive for fulfilment of these values. This work is often incentivized by policy makers. According to EU directive 2006/40/EC on mobile air conditioning since 2013 all newly approved vehicles have to be filled with refrigerant with low global warming potential. Extensive and expensive research financed (...)
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  • Developing Tools to Counteract and Prevent Suicide Bomber Incidents: A Case Study in Value Sensitive Design.Lambèr Royakkers & Marc Steen - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1041-1058.
    Developers and designers make all sorts of moral decisions throughout an innovation project. In this article, we describe how teams of developers and designers engaged with ethics in the early phases of innovation based on case studies in the SUBCOP project. For that purpose, Value Sensitive Design will be used as a reference. Specifically, we focus on the following two research questions: How can researchers/developers learn about users’ perspectives and values during the innovation process? and How can researchers/developers take into (...)
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  • Emerging technologies as the next pandemic?: Possible consequences of the Covid crisis for the future of responsible research and innovation.Bernd Carsten Stahl - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (S1):135-137.
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  • Contextualizing Security Innovation: Responsible Research and Innovation at the Smart Border?Frederik C. Huettenrauch & Nina Klimburg-Witjes - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-19.
    Current European innovation and security policies are increasingly channeled into efforts to address the assumed challenges that threaten European societies. A field in which this has become particularly salient is digitized EU border management. Here, the framework of responsible research and innovation (RRI) has recently been used to point to the alleged sensitivity of political actors towards the contingent dimensions of emerging security technologies. RRI, in general, is concerned with societal needs and the engagement and inclusion of various stakeholder groups (...)
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  • Towards a Taxonomy of AI Risks in the Health Domain.Delaram Golpayegani, Joshua Hovsha, Leon Rossmaier, Rana Saniei & Jana Misic - 2022 - 2022 Fourth International Conference on Transdisciplinary Ai (Transai).
    The adoption of AI in the health sector has its share of benefits and harms to various stakeholder groups and entities. There are critical risks involved in using AI systems in the health domain; risks that can have severe, irreversible, and life-changing impacts on people’s lives. With the development of innovative AI-based applications in the medical and healthcare sectors, new types of risks emerge. To benefit from novel AI applications in this domain, the risks need to be managed in order (...)
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  • How does Responsible Research & Innovation apply to the concept of the Digital Self, in consideration of privacy, ownership and democracy?Sijmen van Schagen - unknown
    This master thesis studies to what degree Responsible Research & Innovation can be applied to the concept of the Digital Self. In order to examine this properly, it focuses on aspects of privacy, ownership and democracy. This work is inspired by the digital health domain, where a growing number of patients become enabled to benefit from AI-powered clinical decision sup port. Aim of this study is to provide insight into what cases can be considered for exploring new design requirements for (...)
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