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  1. The Dialogical Force of Implicit Premises. Presumptions in Enthymemes.Fabrizio Macagno & Giovanni Damele - 2013 - Informal Logic 33 (3):361-389.
    The implicit dimension of enthymemes is investigated from a pragmatic perspective to show why a premise can be left unexpressed, and how it can be used strategically. The relationship between the implicit act of taking for granted and the pattern of presumptive reasoning is shown to be the cornerstone of kairos and the fallacy of straw man. By taking a proposition for granted, the speaker shifts the burden of proving its un-acceptability onto the hearer. The resemblance of the tacit premise (...)
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  • The Use of the Script Concept in Argumentation Theory.Paula Olmos & Luis Vega - 2011 - Argumentation 25 (4):415-426.
    In recent times, there have been different attempts to make an interesting use of the concept of script (as inherited from the fields of psychology and cognitive sciences) within argumentation theory. Although, in many cases, what we find under this label are computerized routines mainly used in e-learning collaborative proceses involving argumentation, either as an educational means or an educational goal, there are also other studies in which the concept of script plays a more theoretical role as the kind of (...)
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  • Common Knowledge and Argumentation Schemes .Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2005 - Studies in Communication Sciences 5 (2):1-22.
    We argue that common knowledge, of the kind used in reasoning in law and computing is best analyzed using a dialogue model of argumentation (Walton & Krabbe 1995). In this model, implicit premises resting on common knowledge are analyzed as endoxa or widely accepted opinions and generalizations (Tardini 2005). We argue that, in this sense, common knowledge is not really knowledge of the kind represent by belief and/or knowledge of the epistemic kind studied in current epistemology. This paper takes a (...)
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  • Perelman’s Interpretation of Reverse Probability Arguments as a Dialectical Mise en Abyme.Manfred Kraus - 2010 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 43 (4):362-382.
    Imagine the following situation: an act of violent assault has been committed. And there are only two possible suspects, of which one is a small and weak man and the other a big and strong man. The weak man will plead that he is not strong enough and therefore not likely to have committed the crime, which seems reasonable straight away. But there will also be a loophole for the strong man, as Aristotle tells us, who reports exactly that story (...)
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  • On common knowledge and ad populum: Acceptance as grounds for acceptability.David M. Godden - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (2):pp. 101-129.
    Typically, common knowledge is taken as grounds for the acceptability of a claim, while appeals to popularity are seen as fallacious attempts to support a claim. This paper poses the question of whether there is any categorical difference between appeals to common knowledge and appeals to popular opinion as argumentative moves. In answering this question, I argue that appeals to common knowledge do not, on their own, provide adequate grounds for a claim’s acceptability.
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  • What Makes a Joke Bad: Enthymemes and the Pragmatics of Humor.Michael K. Cundall & Fabrizio Macagno - 2023 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 4 (1):111-129.
    Bad jokes are not simply non-humorous texts. They are texts that are humorous for someone––their author at least––but not for their audience. Bad jokes thus involve a contextual––pragmatic––dimension that is neglected in the semantic theories of humor. In this paper, we propose an approach to humor based on the Aristotelian notion of surprising enthymemes. Jokes are analyzed as kinds of arguments, whose tacit dimension can be retrieved and justified by considering the “logic” on which it is based. However, jokes are (...)
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  • Is the Enthymeme a Syllogism?James Fredal - 2018 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 51 (1):24-49.
    For several millennia now, the enthymeme has been taught, on the putative authority of Aristotle, as "a kind of syllogism" —that is, a rhetorical syllogism—that consists in a three-part unit of deductive reasoning that parallels the inductive reasoning of the example. The rhetorical syllogism is said to be imperfect or incomplete because it relies on probable or particular rather than certain or universal premises and because the speaker suppresses one premise or the conclusion, usually the major premise, leaving it with (...)
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  • Don’t worry, be gappy! On the unproblematic gappiness of alleged fallacies.Fabio Paglieri - unknown
    The history of fallacy theory is long, distinguished and, admittedly, checkered. I offer a bird eye view on it, with the aim of contrasting the standard conception of fallacies as attractive and universal errors that are hard to eradicate with the contemporary preoccupation with “non-fallacious fallacies”, that is, arguments that fit the bill of one of the traditional fallacies but are actually respectable enough to be used in appropriate contexts. Godden and Zenker have recently argued that reinterpreting alleged fallacies as (...)
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  • Strategie argumentacji w teorii retoryki Arystotelesa: entymematy pozorne i obalające.Andrzej Stefańczyk Marek Lechniak - 2018 - Studia Semiotyczne 32 (1):61-82.
    Arystoteles wyodrębnił w Organonie dwa rodzaje rozumowań: analityczne i dialektyczne. Badaniami rozumowań analitycznych, które podjął w Analitykach I i II, zasłużył sobie na miano ojca logiki formalnej. Według Chaima Perelmana, współczesnym logikom umknął z pola widzenia fakt, że rozważania Arystotelesa na temat rozumowań dialektycznych – podjęte w Topikach, Retoryce i O dowodach sofistycznych – czynią zeń także ojca teorii argumentacji. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na tę diagnozę. Jego celem jest potwierdzenie tezy Perelmana o jednorodności Arystotelesowskiej koncepcji sylogizmu teoretycznego i (...)
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  • Teaching as Abductive Reasoning: The Role of Argumentation.Chrysi Rapanta - 2018 - Informal Logic 38 (2):293-311.
    The view that argumentation is a desired reasoning practice in the classroom is well reported in the literature. Nonetheless, it is still not clear what type of reasoning supports classroom argumentation. The paper discusses abductive reasoning as the most adequate for students’ arguments to emerge in a classroom discussion. Abductive reasoning embraces the idea of plausibility and defeasibility of both the premises and the conclusion. As such, teachers’ role becomes the one of guiding students through formulating relevant hypotheses and selecting (...)
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  • The Conjunction of a French Rhetoric of Unity with a Competing Nationalism in New Caledonia: A Critical Discourse Analysis.Margo Lecompte-Van Poucke - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (3):351-395.
    France and New Caledonia are currently involved in an ongoing debate surrounding the independence of the latter from the former that will lead to referenda in 2018–2022. The main stakeholders in the negotiation process are France, the Caldoche population of the island agglomeration and its Kanak inhabitants. Most critical discourse studies analyse texts as expressions of power entrenched in monologues. In this paper, however, the debate between the social actors is seen as a plurilogue. The study argues that the dominant (...)
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  • (1 other version)Henrique J. Ribeiro (ed): Inside Arguments. Logic and the Study of Argumentation: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2012, vii + 405 pp. [REVIEW]Sara Greco Morasso - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (4):453-458.
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  • (1 other version)The three bases for the enthymeme: A dialogical theory.D. Walton - 2008 - Journal of Applied Logic 6 (3):361-379.
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  • Enthymematic parsimony.Fabio Paglieri & John Woods - 2011 - Synthese 178 (3):461 - 501.
    Enthymemes are traditionally defined as arguments in which some elements are left unstated. It is an empirical fact that enthymemes are both enormously frequent and appropriately understood in everyday argumentation. Why is it so? We outline an answer that dispenses with the so called "principle of charity", which is the standard notion underlying most works on enthymemes. In contrast, we suggest that a different force drives enthymematic argumentation—namely, parsimony, i.e. the tendency to optimize resource consumption, in light of the agent's (...)
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  • Argumentation Strategies in Aristotle’s Theory of Rhetoric: The Apparent Enthymeme and the Refutative Enthymeme.Andrzej Stefańczyk Marek Lechniak - 2019 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 30:129-150.
    In the Organon, Aristotle distinguished two types of reasoning: analytical and dialectical. His studies on analytical reasoning in the Prior and Posterior Analytics, earned him the title of the father of formal logic. According to Chaim Perelman, modern logicians have failed to see the fact that Aristotle’s considerations on dialectical reasoning in the Topics, the Rhetoric and the Sophistical Refutations made him also the father of the theory of argumentation. This article attempts to answer this diagnosis. Our aim is to (...)
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  • Topical Themes in Argumentation Theory: Twenty Exploratory Studies.Frans Hendrik van Eemeren & Bart Garssen (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Topical Themes in Argumentation Theory brings together twenty exploratory studies on important subjects of research in contemporary argumentation theory. The essays are based on papers that were presented at the 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation in Amsterdam in June 2010. They give an impression of the nature and the variety of the kind of research that has recently been carried out in the study of argumentation. The volume starts with three essays that provide stimulating (...)
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  • (1 other version)Henrique J. Ribeiro (ed): Inside Arguments. Logic and the Study of Argumentation: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2012, vii + 405 pp. [REVIEW]Sara Greco Morasso - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (4):453-458.
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  • Enthymemes: From Reconstruction to Understanding. [REVIEW]Fabio Paglieri & John Woods - 2011 - Argumentation 25 (2):127-139.
    Traditionally, an enthymeme is an incomplete argument, made so by the absence of one or more of its constituent statements. An enthymeme resolution strategy is a set of procedures for finding those missing elements, thus reconstructing the enthymemes and restoring its meaning. It is widely held that a condition on the adequacy of such procedures is that statements restored to an enthymeme produce an argument that is good in some given respect in relation to which the enthymeme itself is bad. (...)
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  • Argumentation Schemes and Enthymemes.D. Walton & C. A. Reed - 2005 - Synthese 145 (3):339-370.
    The aim of this investigation is to explore the role of argumentation schemes in enthymeme reconstruction. This aim is pursued by studying selected cases of incomplete arguments in natural language discourse to see what the requirements are for filling in the unstated premises and conclusions in some systematic and useful way. Some of these cases are best handled using deductive tools, while others respond best to an analysis based on defeasible argumentations schemes. The approach is also shown to work reasonably (...)
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  • Astroturfing Global Warming: It Isn’t Always Greener on the Other Side of the Fence. [REVIEW]Charles H. Cho, Martin L. Martens, Hakkyun Kim & Michelle Rodrigue - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (4):571-587.
    Astroturf organizations are fake grassroots organizations usually sponsored by large corporations to support any arguments or claims in their favor, or to challenge and deny those against them. They constitute the corporate version of grassroots social movements. Serious ethical and societal concerns underline this astroturfing practice, especially if corporations are successful in influencing public opinion by undertaking a social movement approach. This study is motivated by this particular issue and examines the effectiveness of astroturf organizations in the global warming context, (...)
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  • Culture Sensitive Arguments.Manfred Kraus - unknown
    Arguments which in their premises or warrants touch basic norms and values of a cultural community can be defined as culture sensitive. The paper will demonstrate how insensitivity to the cultural backgrounds of audiences may spoil an argument, and identify which kinds of arguments prove particularly open to cultural sensitivity. It will define the areas on which cultural communities may differ and determine how this bears on problems of globalization and political correctness.
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  • Plausible Argumentation in Eikotic Arguments: The Ancient Weak Versus Strong Man Example.Douglas Walton - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (1):45-74.
    In this paper it is shown how plausible reasoning of the kind illustrated in the ancient Greek example of the weak and strong man can be analyzed and evaluated using a procedure in which the pro evidence is weighed against the con evidence using formal, computational argumentation tools. It is shown by means of this famous example how plausible reasoning is based on an audience’s recognition of situations of a type they are familiar with as normal and comprehensible in their (...)
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