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  1. Cosmopolitanism from Below: Universalism as Contestation.James D. Ingram - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (1):66-78.
    Cosmopolitanism is attractive as a normative orientation, but the historical record of actual cosmopolitanisms, like that of practical universalisms more generally, is not encouraging. When they have not been merely empty, cosmopolitanisms' ostensibly universal values have too been often co-opted by dominant powers, making them into ideologies of domination. My question here is not whether but how to embrace cosmopolitanism so as to avoid these perversions. The key, I argue, is to focus on the processes through which their ostensibly universal (...)
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  • Cosmopolitan right, indigenous peoples, and the risks of cultural interaction.Timothy Waligore - 2009 - Public Reason 1 (1):27-56.
    Kant limits cosmopolitan right to a universal right of hospitality, condemning European imperial practices towards indigenous peoples, while allowing a right to visit foreign countries for the purpose of offering to engage in commerce. I argue that attempts by contemporary theorists such as Jeremy Waldron to expand and update Kant’s juridical category of cosmopolitan right would blunt or erase Kant’s own anti-colonial doctrine. Waldron’s use of Kant’s category of cosmopolitan right to criticize contemporary identity politics relies on premises that upset (...)
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  • Justice for Children: Autonomy Development and the State.Harry Adams - 2008 - State University of New York Press.
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  • What the Liberal State Should Tolerate Within Its Borders.Andrew Jason Cohen - 2007 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 37 (4):479-513.
    Two normative principles of toleration are offered, one individual-regarding, the other group-regarding. The first is John Stuart Mill’s harm principle; the other is “Principle T,” meant to be the harm principle writ large. It is argued that the state should tolerate autonomous sacrifices of autonomy, including instances where an individual rationally chooses to be enslaved, lobotomized, or killed. Consistent with that, it is argued that the state should tolerate internal restrictions within minority groups even where these prevent autonomy promotion of (...)
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  • Appropriating Resources: Land Claims, Law, and Illicit Business.Edmund F. Byrne - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (4):453-466.
    Business ethicists should examine ethical issues that impinge on the perimeters of their specialized studies (Byrne 2011 ). This article addresses one peripheral issue that cries out for such consideration: the international resource privilege (IRP). After explaining briefly what the IRP involves I argue that it is unethical and should not be supported in international law. My argument is based on others’ findings as to the consequences of current IRP transactions and of their ethically indefensible historical precedents. In particular I (...)
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  • Matters of Identity.Claudio Luzzati - 2005 - Ratio Juris 18 (1):107-119.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a philosophic answer to a question, which is not at all rhetoric, as it may seem. The author, in fact, wonders whether identity has to be framed, as usual, as an absolute value, i.e., as an “all-or nothing” question. The conclusion of this inquiry is clearly a negative one: Identity, on the contrary, has to be seen as a value which is highly complex, fuzzy, and allowing for degrees, nuances, and trade-offs. In (...)
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  • Liberalism and Minority Rights. An Interview.Will Kymlicka & Ruth Rubio Marín - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (2):133-152.
    The interview focuses on Kymlicka's major area of research, i.e., the issue of minority rights. Kymlicka explains why the rights of national minorities have been traditionally neglected in the Western political tradition. He argues that these rights promote individual freedom, and so should be seen as promoting liberal democratic principles. The interview covers many issues including the relationship between ethno‐cultural groups and other forms of “identity politics”; how to individuate cultural groups with legitimate claims to minority rights; whether something like (...)
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  • Liberal nationalism and cosmopolitan justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (4):431-461.
    Many liberals have argued that a cosmopolitan perspective on global justice follows from the basic liberal principles of justice. Yet, increasingly, it is also said that intrinsic to liberalism is a doctrine of nationalism. This raises a potential problem for the liberal defense of cosmopolitan justice as it is commonly believed that nationalism and cosmopolitanism are conflicting ideals. If this is correct, there appears to be a serious tension within liberal philosophy itself, between its cosmopolitan aspiration on the one hand, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Herder's Heritage and the Boundary-Making Approach: Studying Ethnicity in Immigrant Societies.Andreas Wimmer - 2009 - Sociological Theory 27 (3):244-270.
    Major paradigms in immigration research, including assimilation theory, multiculturalism, and ethnic studies, take it for granted that dividing society into ethnic groups is analytically and empirically meaningful because each of these groups is characterized by a specific culture, dense networks of solidarity, and shared identity. Three major revisions of this perspective have been proposed in the comparative ethnicity literature over the past decades, leading to a renewed concern with the emergence and transformation of ethnic boundaries. In immigration research, "assimilation" and (...)
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  • (1 other version)What's so special about nations?Allen Buchanan - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 22:283-309.
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  • Introduction: An emerging consensus? [REVIEW]Will Kymlicka - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (2):143-157.
    This paper is an introduction to a special issue on Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Liberal Democracy. It attempts to describe the state of the debate on issues of multiculturalism and nationalism within liberal-democratic theory. I suggest that there may be an emerging consensus on liberal culturalism – the view that certain group-specific rights or policies aimed at recognizing or accommodating ethnic and national groups are legitimate so long as they operate within certain constraints of liberal justice. I explore the possible reasons (...)
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  • The ‘Cosmopolitan’ Self Does her Homework.Marianna Papastephanou - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (4):597-612.
    Cosmopolitan concern for the whole world is often treated as oppositional to particular collectivities, to corresponding sensibilities and to the obligations that follow from them. Tensions revolve around demands made upon the self (depending on the emphasis on the local or the global) and infuse educational discourse accordingly. Culturalism approaches the self as a culturally or multiculturally shaped identity, monopolises the terrain of cosmopolitan debate and narrows the scope of cosmopolitan education only to encouraging hybridity of selfhood and to cultivating (...)
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  • Refugiados, desplazados e inmigrantes económicos. El caso de la dignidad.Daniel Loewe - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (1):e33464.
    El artículo analiza cómo se relaciona la premisa normativa de la dignidad humana con la evaluación del fenómeno migratorio. Para aquello, da cuenta de una concepción de dignidad humana que no recurre a presupuestos naturalistas ni supraempíricos, y presenta tres alternativas diferentes para otorgarle contenido normativo en base a un umbral suficientarista. Desde estas perspectivas, se sostiene que el trato corriente que se da a los refugiados, a los desplazados medioambientales y a los inmigrantes económicos, amenaza su dignidad y debe, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Fronteras, liberalismo e inmigración.Daniel Loewe - 2016 - Pensamiento 72 (272):633-654.
    El artículo sostiene que la teoría liberal está tensionada por una pretensión de universalidad normativa y su implementación institucional en el contexto de los Estados nacionales. Esta tensión se expresa claramente en el caso de la inmigración con la demanda estatal de control discrecional de las fronteras. El artículo desarrolla cuatro argumentos a favor de la relevancia normativa de las fronteras, y sostiene que no son conclusivos. Correspondientemente, desde una perspectiva liberal se dispondría de menos argumentos para justificar el cierre (...)
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  • Algumas estruturas argumentativas a favor dos direitos culturais.Daniel Loewe - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (1):30-51.
    O artigo apresenta algumas estratégias recorrentes para justificar os direitos culturais (tais como comunidade justificativa, o valor da diversidade, as teorias do reconhecimento da diferença cultural, o valor da autonomia, a justificação de igualdade) e as examina criticamente à luz de seus próprios méritos, a partir da perspectiva do liberalismo enquanto doutrina política. De acordo com o artigo, todas essas justificativas são fadadas ao fracasso.
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  • Boundary making and equal concern.Kok-Chor Tan - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (1‐2):50-67.
    Liberal nationalism is a boundary‐making project, and a feature of this boundary‐making enterprise is the belief that the compatriots have a certain priority over strangers. For this reason it is often thought that liberal nationalism cannot be compatible with the demands of global egalitarianism. In this essay, I examine the sense in which liberal nationalism privileges compatriots, and I argue that, properly understood, the idea of partiality for compatriots in the context of liberal nationalism is not at odds with global (...)
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  • The Right to Preserve Culture.Matthias Hoesch - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (6):602-627.
    Although a supposed right to preserve culture is frequently invoked in normative debates, philosophical literature has produced scarcely any attempt to treat it as a particular claim that differs from other cultural rights and, for that reason, is in need of a particular justification. Only by clarifying the content and the normative reasons underlying the supposed right, however, is it possible to evaluate the numerous political claims that have been based on it, ranging from the protection of minorities to restrictions (...)
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  • A Liberal Defence of the Intrinsic Value of Cultures.Stéphane Courtois - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (1):31-52.
    Over the past 15 years, a great deal of efforts have been done by political philosophers to make liberal political theory more sensitive to the importance culture has for individuals, and to think about how to translate this importance into laws and policies, in particular those affecting cultural and national minorities. However, one of the outstanding issues is whether and how an appropriate account of the worth of culture can be provided from a liberal point of view. The most important (...)
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  • Kant on Human Progress and Global Inequality.Fausto Corvino - 2019 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75 (1):477-512.
    In this article I discuss whether from Kant’s philosophy we can determine a moral duty to deal with global inequality, a problem that in Kant’s time was inexistent since it is a modern trend resulting from the industrial revolution. In doing this, I consider three main issues related to Kant’s thought and partially re-developed by contemporary authors: the individual moral duty to collaborate with nature’s purposiveness, which is aimed at attaining perpetual peace through humans fully developing their capacities, the normative (...)
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  • Does obligation diminish with distance?Gillian Brock - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (1):3 – 20.
    Many people believe in what can be described as a 'concentric circles model of responsibilities to others' in which responsibilities are generally stronger to those physically or affectively closer to us - those who, on this model, occupy circles nearer to us. In particular, it is believed that we have special ties to compatriots and, moreover, that these ties entail stronger obligations than the obligations we have to non-compatriots. While I concede that our strongest obligations may generally be to those (...)
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  • Contemporary Cosmopolitanism: Some Current Issues.Gillian Brock - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (8):689-698.
    In this article, we survey some current debates among cosmopolitans and their critics. We begin by surveying some distinctions typically drawn among kinds of cosmopolitanisms, before canvassing some of the diverse varieties of cosmopolitan justice, exploring positions on the content of cosmopolitan duties of justice, and a prominent debate between cosmopolitans and defenders of statist accounts of global justice. We then explore some common concerns about cosmopolitanism – such as whether cosmopolitan commitments are necessarily in tension with other affiliations people (...)
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  • Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account.Gillian Brock - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Catriona McKinnon.
    Gillian Brock develops a model of global justice that takes seriously the moral equality of all human beings notwithstanding their legitimate diverse identifications and affiliations. She addresses concerns about implementing global justice, showing how we can move from theory to feasible public policy that makes progress toward global justice.
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  • Philosophical justification and the legal accommodation of Indigenous ritual objects; an Australian study.Andrew G. Hunter - unknown
    Indigenous cultural possessions constitute a diverse global issue. This issue includes some culturally important, intangible tribal objects. This is evident in the Australian copyright cases viewed in this study, which provide examples of disputes over traditional Indigenous visual art. A proposal for the legal recognition of Indigenous cultural possessions in Australia is also reviewed, in terms of a new category of law. When such cultural objects are in an artistic form they constitute the tribe's self-presentation and its mechanism of cultural (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Liberalni nacionalizam: argument samopoštovanja.Elvio Baccarini - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (1-2):295-310.
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