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Gadamer: Hermeneutics, Tradition and Reason

Oxford: Polity (1987)

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  1. On Gadamerian Hermeneutics: Fusions of Horizons, Dialogue, and Evolution(s) within Culture as Dynamic System of Meaning.Iñaki Xavier Larrauri Pertierra - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (4):45-62.
    Culture as a dynamic system of meaningful relations can naturally accommodate a hermeneutic analysis. In this essay, the notion of Gadamer’s hermeneutics as involving interpretable meaning throughout experiential reality permits a natural concordance with an understanding of culture as meaningful. The Gadamerian idea that prejudices inform the horizons that make our experiences intelligible is applied to the view that culture is both a self-enclosed structure that is given by one’s horizon and one that continuously points past this horizon in genuine (...)
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  • Hans-Georg Gadamer.Jeff Malpas - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Hermeneutics.Bjørn Ramberg - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Philosophy, methodology and action research.Wilfred Carr - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (4):421–435.
    The aim of this paper is to examine the role of methodology in action research. It begins by showing how, as a form of inquiry concerned with the development of practice, action research is nothing other than a modern 20th century manifestation of the pre‐modern tradition of practical philosophy. It then draws in Gadamer's powerful vindication of the contemporary relevance of practical philosophy in order to show how, by embracing the idea of ‘methodology’, action research functions to sustain a distorted (...)
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  • Towards self-determination in quality of life research: a dialogic approach.Leah McClimans - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (1):67-76.
    Health-related quality of life measures aim to assess patients’ subjective experience in order to gauge an increasingly wide variety of health care issues such as patient needs; satisfaction; side effects; quality of care; disease progression and cost effectiveness. Their popularity is undoubtedly due to a larger initiative to provide patient-centered care. The use of patient perspectives to guide health care improvements and spending is rooted in the idea that we must respect patients as self-determining agents. In this paper I look (...)
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  • Meaning Making by Managers: Corporate Discourse on Environment and Sustainability in India.Prithi Nambiar & Naren Chitty - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (3):493-511.
    The globally generated concepts of environment and sustainability are fast gaining currency in international business discourse. Sustainability concerns are concurrently becoming significant to business planning around corporate social responsibility and integral to organizational strategies toward enhancing shareholder value. The mindset of corporate managers is a key factor in determining company approaches to sustainability. But what do corporate managers understand by sustainability? Our study explores discursive meaning negotiation surrounding the concepts of environment and sustainability within business discourse. The study is based (...)
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  • Gadamerian dialogue in the patient-professional interaction.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (1):17-23.
    In his seminal work, Truth and Method, theGerman philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer distinguishesbetween three types of what he calls the experience ofthe `Thou'. In this paper, Gadamer's analysis of thisexperience is explained in terms of his philosophicalhermeneutics and brought to bear upon thepatient-professional relationship. It is argued thatwhile Gadamer's analysis implies fruitful insights fora dialogical account of the patient-professionalinteraction, it harbours elements which are conduciveto paternalistic practice of medicine. The strongattribution of value to tradition and the respect forauthority emphasized in his (...)
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  • How does the environment affect the person?Mark H. Bickhard - 1992 - In L. T. Winegar & Jaan Valsiner (eds.), Children's Development Within Social Contexts: Metatheoretical, Theoretical and Methodological Issues. Erlbaum.
    How Does the Environment Affect the Person? Mark H. Bickhard invited chapter in Children's Development within Social Contexts: Metatheoretical, Theoretical and Methodological Issues, Erlbaum. edited by L. T. Winegar, J. Valsiner, in press.
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  • Experience in adult education: A post-modern critique.Robin Usher - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (2):201–214.
    ABSTRACT The concepts of experience and experiential learning are of critical significance in both the study and practice of adult education. Adults are seen as uniquely characterised by their experience, experiential learning an alternative to didactic and knowledge-based modes of education. In this paper a critique is presented of the powerful discourse of the autonomous subject based on humanistic psychology which, it is argued, has shaped adult education in a misleading, inappropriate and unhelpful way. A postmodern perspective drawing on Continental (...)
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  • Forgiveness and Interpretation.Glen Pettigrove - 2007 - Journal of Religious Ethics 35 (3):429-452.
    This paper explores the relationship between our interpretations of another's actions and our readiness to forgive. It begins by articulating an account of forgiveness drawn from the New Testament. It then employs the work of Schleiermacher, Dilthey, and Gadamer to investigate ways in which our interpretations of an act or agent can promote or prevent such forgiveness. It concludes with a discussion of some ethical restrictions that may pertain to the interpretation of actions or agents as opposed to utterances and (...)
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  • Hermeneutics and Critical Theory.Nicholas H. Smith - 2015 - In Jeff Malpas Hans-Helmuth Gander (ed.), Routledge Companion to Philosophical Hermeneutics. Routledge. pp. 600-611.
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  • Measure development and the hermeneutic task.Laura M. Cupples - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2375-2390.
    I examine the dynamics of measure development using two case studies: temperature, and health-related quality of life. I argue, following Bas van Fraassen and Leah McClimans that in each case these dynamics have a hermeneutic structure. Measure development is plagued by epistemic circularity, as is the task of interpreting a text, and similar strategies can be used in both measure development and hermeneutics to overcome that circularity. I show that Hans Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics in particular are an effective lens (...)
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  • Interpretive Hermeneutic Phenomenology: Clarifying Understanding.Ann E. McManus Holroyd - 2007 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 7 (2):1-12.
    The philosophical orientation of Gadamerian hermeneutic phenomenology is explored in this paper. Gadamer offers a hermeneutics of the humanities that differs significantly from models of the human sciences historically rooted in scientific methodologies. In particular, Gadamer proposes that understanding is first a mode of being before it is a mode of knowing; what this effectively offers is an alternative to the traditional way of understanding in the human sciences. This paper details why the work of hermeneutics is not to develop (...)
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  • "That's Not What I Meant! Projection and Intention in Interpretation".Camille Atkinson - 2011 - ALEA: International Journal of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics 9.
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  • Critical ethnography and subjective experience.Michael Huspek - 1994 - Human Studies 17 (1):45 - 63.
    I began this essay by advancing three claims with respect to conducting ethnographic research: the analyst should be disposed to engage Other in a genuinely dialogic fashion so as to produce shared understanding; provision should be made for the analyst to disengage from the dialogue for purposes of self-reflection; and there should be some justificatory grounds for ideology critique. At the same time, I noted the problematic status of these claims on conceptual and methodological grounds and pointed to a need (...)
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  • Hermeneutics: A protreptic.Gregory R. Johnson - 1990 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 4 (1-2):173-211.
    An argument is made for the relevance of phenomenological hermeneutics to economics, with special attention to recent debates on hermeneutics among economists of the Austrian school of Ludwig von Mises and F. A. Hayek. Hermeneutics is explicated in the context of Husserlian phenomenology, with special attention to phenomenology's Aristotelian roots. Naive and methodological forms of ?objectivism?; are contrasted with hermeneutics, which recovers the horizons of scientific knowledge: the whole, and the activities of the human knower. Finally, the charges that hermeneutics (...)
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  • El sujeto en cuestión. Abordajes contemporáneos.Pedro Karczmarczyk (ed.) - 2014 - [Argentina]: Edulp.
    Resumen: Los trabajos abordan, desde diferentes perspectivas a la categoría de sujeto como una categoría crucial del pensamiento contemporáneo. El ámbito de preocupaciones es amplio: la perspectiva del filósofo norteamericano S Cavell quien hace una originalísima recepción de la herencia de Austin y Wittgenstein; la perspectiva fenomenológica de Sartre en diálogo y conflicto con la del psicoanálisis lacaniano y las reconceptualizaciones de la ideología realizadas por Louis Althusser; la constitución del sujeto en tensión entre la sujeción al poder y las (...)
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  • Precursors of the eureka moment as a common ground between science and theology.Michael Cavanaugh - 1994 - Zygon 29 (2):191-204.
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  • Introduction: Meaning/s of Rape in War and Peace.Louise du Toit - 2009 - Philosophical Papers 38 (3):285-305.
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  • Translating Studies Across Cultures.Carol Korn-Bursztyn - 1997 - Education and Culture 14 (1):4.
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  • Wittgenstein y Gadamer: lenguaje, praxis, razón.Nuria Sara Miras Boronat - 2009 - Dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona
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  • On claims of culture and duties of recognition in democratic states.Simon Thompson - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (3):328-348.
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  • A Gadamerian Critique of Kuhn’s Linguistic Turn: Incommensurability Revisited.Amani Albedah - 2006 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20 (3):323 – 345.
    In this article, I discuss Gadamer's hermeneutic account of understanding as an alternative to Kuhn's incommensurability thesis. After a brief account of Kuhn's aesthetic account and arguments against it, I argue that the linguistic account faces a paradox that results from Kuhn's objectivist account of understanding, and his lack of historical reflexivity. The statement 'Languages are incommensurable' is not a unique view of language, and is thus subject to contest by incommensurable readings. Resolving the paradox requires an account of incommensurability (...)
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  • (Mis)Appropriations of Gadamer in Qualitative Research: A Husserlian Critique (Part 1).Marc H. Applebaum - 2011 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 11 (1):1-17.
    Within the Husserlian phenomenological philosophical tradition, description and interpretation co-exist. However, teaching the practice of phenomenological psychological research requires careful articulation of the differences between a descriptive and an interpretive relationship to what is provided by qualitative data. If as researchers we neglect the epistemological foundations of our work or avoid working through difficult methodological issues, then our work invites dismissal as inadequate science, undermining the effort to strongly establish psychology along qualitative lines. The first article in this two-part discussion (...)
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  • The Problem of Critique: Triangulating Habermas, Derrida, and Gadamer Within Metamodernism.Stephen M. Feldman - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (3):296-320.
    This essay argues that Hans-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics, Jürgen Habermas's communication theory, and Jacques Derrida's deconstruction all fit together within one philosophical paradigm: metamodernism. Metamodernism, as defined, is opposed to both modernism and radical forms of postmodernism. Within metamodernism, a political conundrum provides the key clue for understanding the relations among Gadamer, Habermas, and Derrida as well as for elaborating the contours of the paradigm. Specifically, the political implications of the three philosophies are intransitive: they seem to shift around rather (...)
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  • Meaning and normativity in nurse–patient interaction.Halvor Nordby - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 8 (1):16-27.
    It is a fundamental assumption in nursing theory that it is important for nurses to understand how patients think about themselves and the contexts they are in. According to modern theories of hermeneutics, a nurse and a patient must share the same concepts in order to communicate beliefs with the same content. But nurses and patients seldom understand medical concepts in exactly the same way, so how can this communicative aim be achieved in interaction involving medical concepts? The article uses (...)
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  • Beyond the communicative turn in political philosophy.Iain MacKenzie - 2000 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 3 (4):1-24.
    I take it that (1) the central problem of political philosophy is how to deploy philosophy in the criticism and direction of practice. This paper maps out the basic terrain of the relationship between (A) neo?Kantian Critical Theory (for example, Jürgen Habermas), (B) hermeneutics (for example, Charles Taylor) and (C) constructivism (for example, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari). It contends that this central problem (1) is not met by the arguments of (A) and (B) ? these representing what I call (...)
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  • Rorty, literary narrative and political philosophy.Barbara McGuinness - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (4):29-44.
    This article seeks to examine Rorty's contention that literary narrative, not political philosophy, is best able to address the problems of the West. It argues that although Rorty's conception of the novel as a valu able and informative medium is credible, he does not establish it as a valid alternative to political philosophy. Moreover Rorty retains the sort of reasoning that is characteristic of political philosophy, despite his assertions to the contrary.
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  • Critical thinking in social and psychological inquiry.Frank C. Richardson & Brent D. Slife - 2011 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 31 (3):165-172.
    Yanchar, Slife, and their colleagues have described how mainstream psychology's notion of critical thinking has largely been conceived of as “scientific analytic reasoning” or “method-centered critical thinking.” We extend here their analysis and critique, arguing that some version of the one-sided instrumentalism and confusion about tacit values that characterize scientistic approaches to inquiry also color phenomenological, critical theoretical, and social constructionist viewpoints. We suggest that hermeneutic/dialogical conceptions of inquiry, including the idea of social theory as itself a form of ethically (...)
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  • The Viability of Confucian Transcendence: Grappling with Tu Weiming’s Interpretation of the Zhongyong.Sze-kar Wan - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (4):407-421.
    Weiming’s notion of transcendence in terms both of its legitimacy as an interpretation of Confucianism and of its viability as an answer to modern challenges. An examination of Tu’s hermeneutical assumptions in his Zhongyong commentary leads to a discussion of his locating transcendence in the subjectivity of the junzi, the profound person. Calling the self-cultivation self-knowledge, Tu makes explicit the religious character of the xin, the basis of self-cultivation, and its transcendent character, because it is endowed from heaven. However, because (...)
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  • Human understanding in dialogue: Gadamer's recovery of the genuine: Original article.Lindal Binding - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (2):121-130.
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  • Workshop on Friction: Understanding and Addressing Students’ Difficulties in Learning Science Through a Hermeneutical Perspective.Sangwoo Ha, Gyoungho Lee & Calvin S. Kalman - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (6):1423-1441.
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  • The Zhuangzi and Hermeneutics.Alexis Deodato Itao - 2020 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 12 (2):565-580.
    The Zhuangzi to this day continues to be a hermeneutical challenge in that it always calls for new and fresh interpretations. In the past thirty years, however, various scholars have argued in their studies that the Zhuangzi does not only pose a hermeneutical challenge, but also carries an implicit hermeneutics. My aim in this paper is to show that underneath its parables and rhetoric, fictional and imaginary characters, as well as its inclination towards relativism and skepticism, a Zhuangzian hermeneutics comparable (...)
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  • In Play, At Play.Catherine Mohrea Laing - 2012 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 (1).
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  • The ethics of reading: Ingarden, Iser, Ricoeur.Murat Ҫelik - unknown
    This thesis explores the ethical impact of literary narrative fictions on the reader. It does so by focusing mainly on the reading experience since one of the main claims of the thesis is that literary narrative fictions are co-products of the author and the reader. In that sense the aforementioned impact cannot be understood without taking into account the creative acts of the reader. The exploration is carried out by focusing on three scholars whose investigations on the problem of literary (...)
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  • Critique of ideology: Hermeneutics or critical theory? [REVIEW]A. T. Nuyen - 1994 - Human Studies 17 (4):419 - 432.
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  • Sub-versions of reading.Karin Littau - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Warwick
    My PhD is entitled Sub-Versions of Reading. The thesis is concerned with critical refractions such as reading, interpretation, criticism, commentary... activities which resemble each other in that they do not resemble that from which they derive; thus derived rather than original, secondary rather than primary, their status is also deemed second-rate. My aim has been both to reread their inferior plight and rewrite this plight through the theoretical insights culled from recent literary theory. I therefore compare two theoretical frameworks, one (...)
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  • Eschatology in a Secular Age: An Examination of the Use of Eschatology in the Philosophies of Heidegger, Berdyaev and Blumenberg. Lup Jr - unknown
    The topic of eschatology is generally confined to the field of theology. However, the subject has influenced many other fields, such as politics and history. This dissertation examines the question why eschatology remained a topic of discussion within twentieth century philosophy. Concepts associated with eschatology, such as the end of time and the hope of a utopian age to come, remained largely background assumptions among intellectuals in the modern age. Martin Heidegger, Nicolai Berdyaev, and Hans Blumenberg, however, explicitly addressed the (...)
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  • Hydric Life: A Nietzschean Reading of Postcolonial Communication.Elena F. Ruiz-Aho - unknown
    This dissertation addresses the question of marginalization in cross-cultural communication from the perspectives of hermeneutic philosophy and postcolonial theory. Specifically, it focuses on European colonialism‘s effect on language and communicative practices in Latin America. I argue colonialism creates a deeply sedimented but unacknowledged background of inherited cultural prejudices against which social and political problems of oppression, violence and marginalization, especially towards women, emerge—but whose roots in colonial and imperial frameworks have lost transparency. This makes it especially difficult for postcolonial subjects (...)
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  • Utopian hermeneutics: Plato’s dialogues and the legacy of aporia.Nicholas Robert Silverman - unknown
    This thesis examines the Platonic brand in utopian fiction. It looks at Plato's dialogues, H. G Wells' A Modern Utopia and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. The modern texts provide opportunities to observe the effects of ideas found in the dialogues, helping illustrate their implications for the Platonic utopia. Understanding the implications of Plato's textual criticism found in his dialogues is indispensable in understanding how his dialogues are to be understood and what may be understood to be his utopia. This (...)
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  • The Ambivalent Potentiality of Vulnerability : Museum Pedagogy in Exhibitions on Difficult Matters and its Ethical Implications.Tinning Katrine - 2017 - Dissertation, Lund University
    The aim of this dissertation is to critically investigate and problematize how museum exhibitions on Difficult Matters, like war and sexual violence, can be designed in order to contribute to teaching-learning relations between museum and visitor, which may transform existing perceptions of self, others, and the world and evoke a deepened sense of responsibility in the viewers, i.e. an ethical transformation.Based on a hermeneutic phenomenological approach the study takes three paths to shed light on the above. 1) Investigating literature on (...)
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  • Speaking of the Self: Theorizing the Dialogical Dimensions of Ethical Agency.S. Warfield Bradley - 2017 - Dissertation, University of South Florida
    This dissertation attempts to fill, in part, three lacunae in contemporary philosophical scholarship: first, the failure to identify the two distinct types of dialogism—psychological and interpersonal—that have been operative in discussions of the dialogical self; second, the lack of acknowledgement of the six most prominent features of interpersonal dialogism; and third, the unwillingness to recognize that interpersonal dialogism is a crucial feature of human ethical agency and identity. In Chapter One, I explain why dialogism has been relatively neglected—and certainly underappreciated—in (...)
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  • Defending Hermeneutics.Emily P. Williams, Catherine M. Laing & Isabel Brun - 2018 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2018 (1).
    This article offers several perspectives on the challenges of defending Gadamerian hermeneutics in applied research settings, specifically counselling psychology and nursing. Given the lack of methodological steps associated with the method, researchers employing hermeneutics can be vulnerable to scrutiny from others. We discuss the uncertainty that is inevitable when embarking on hermeneutic inquiry and provide personal accounts of how we have encountered the uncertain nature of hermeneutics.
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  • Jung and Buddhism : a hermeneutical engagement with the Tibetan and Zen Buddhist traditions.Rinako Yogo - 2001 - Dissertation, University of Kent
    This thesis examines Jung's relation to Buddhism, in particular, the Tibetan and Zen Buddhist traditions from a hermeneutic perspective. It addresses the way Jung attempted to make a dialogue between Analytical Psychology and Buddhism and the extent to which he was successful. Jung's approach to Buddhism is sometimes affected by Eurocentric prejudices, which led him to misunderstand some of the concepts of Buddhism. Moreover, from the standpoint of a psychologist, Jung had a tendency to reduce Buddhist thought to its psychological (...)
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  • Criticism and conversational texts: Rhetorical bases of role, audience, and style in the Buber-Rogers dialogue. [REVIEW]Rob Anderson & Kenneth N. Cissna - 1996 - Human Studies 19 (1):85 - 118.
    This essay describes conversation as an ensemble accomplishment that can be illuminated by critics working with specific texts within a rhetorical framework. We first establish dialogue as the key concept for any criticism of conversation, specifying the rhetorical dimensions of interpersonal dialogue. Second, we show how template thinking is particularly dangerous for conversational critics and suggest a research (anti)method, based on a coauthorship, that provides a thoroughgoing dialogical access to texts. Finally, we exemplify dialogic criticism of a conversational text by (...)
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