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The New Husserl: A Critical Reader

Indiana University Press (2003)

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  1. Husserl's Psychology of Arithmetic.Carlo Ierna - 2012 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 8:97-120.
    In 1913, in a draft for a new Preface for the second edition of the Logical Investigations, Edmund Husserl reveals to his readers that "The source of all my studies and the first source of my epistemological difficul­ties lies in my first works on the philosophy of arithmetic and mathematics in general", i.e. his Habilitationsschrift and the Philosophy of Arithmetic: "I carefully studied the consciousness constituting the amount, first the collec­tive consciousness (consciousness of quantity, of multiplicity) in its simplest and (...)
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  • Philosophia Semper Reformanda: Husserlian Theses on Constitution.Nythamar de Oliveira - 2000 - Manuscrito 23 (2):251-274.
    Starting from the sensuous perception of what is seen, an attempt is made at re-casting a Husserlian theory of constitution of the object of intuition, as one leaves the natural attitude through a transcendental method, by positing several theses so as to avoid the aporias of philosophical binary oppositions such as rationalism and empiri-cism, realism and idealism, logicism and psychologism, subjectivism and objectivism, transcendentalism and ontologism, metaphysics and positivism. Throughout fifty-five theses on constitution, the Husserlian proposal of continuously reforming philosophizing (...)
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  • (1 other version)Phenomenology.Dan Zahavi - manuscript
    In Moran, D. (ed.): Routledge Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophy. Routledge, 2008.
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  • Delirio como creencia.Guillermo Ruiz-Pérez - 2022 - Culturas Cientificas 3 (2):78-108.
    A lo largo de la tradición psicopatológica, incluso de la pre-fenomenológica, se encuentra la categorización del delirio como creencia. Jaspers asumió ese uso y lo fundó fenomenológico-existencialmente, definiendo su carácter de convicción. El concepto de creencia ha tenido un largo recorrido dentro de la historia del pensamiento, aunque recientemente se ha intensificado el debate acerca de la visión doxástica del delirio. En virtud de lo ya mencionado, en el presente artículo presentamos un análisis conceptual de la creencia, con el objetivo (...)
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  • Meaning making from life to language: The Semiotic Hierarchy and phenomenology.Jordan Zlatev - 2018 - Cognitive Semiotics 11 (1).
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  • Theory of mind and the unobservability of other minds.Vivian Bohl & Nivedita Gangopadhyay - 2014 - Philosophical Explorations 17 (2):203-222.
    The theory of mind (ToM) framework has been criticised by emerging alternative accounts. Each alternative begins with the accusation that ToM's validity as a research paradigm rests on the assumption of the ‘unobservability’ of other minds. We argue that the critics' discussion of the unobservability assumption (UA) targets a straw man. We discuss metaphysical, phenomenological, epistemological, and psychological readings of UA and demonstrate that it is not the case that ToM assumes the metaphysical, phenomenological, or epistemological claims. However, ToM supports (...)
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  • El camino hacia una antropología trascendental.Javier San Martín - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6:289.
    La obra de Julia V. Iribarne se basa, entre otros, en tres conceptos centrales, intersubjetividad trascendental, ética trascendental y antropología trascendental. En este texto de homenaje a su persona y a su trayectoria intelectual, dado que nuestra autora se basa fundamentalmente en los inéditos de Husserl, aclararé, en primer lugar la posición del legado póstumo [Nachlass] husserliano en la obra de este. A continuación dedicaré un apartado a exponer el desarrollo de cada uno de esos conceptos a lo largo de (...)
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  • Husserl: Cientificismo, reducciones y "conciencia purificada". Abordar la polémica husserliana un siglo después.Rodrigo Y. Sandoval - 2016 - Studia Heideggeriana 5:217-254.
    En atención a las críticas de la autointerpretación teórica heideggeriana, abordaremos tres temas fundamentales posteriores al “giro” trascendental husserliano. A la luz de la interpretación contemporánea, buscaremos evitar los lugares comunes de la crítica a Husserl, en aras de una discusión más sofisticada en torno al método fenomenológico. /// Considering the most extended arguments of Martin Heidegger against the transcendental " turn " of Phenomenology, we will approach to three main characters of this sui generis transcendentalism. In light of contemporary (...)
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  • The Ethical Dimension of Transcendental Reduction.Rosemary Lerner - 2017 - In Véronique M. Fóti & Pavlos Kontos (eds.), Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political: Essays in Honor of Jacques Taminiaux. Cham: Springer. Translated by R.P. Lerner Rosemary.
    This chapter offered in hommage to Jacques Taminiaux’s long and fruitful career reflecting on ontological, political, and aesthetic issues, starts following the lead of his reading of Heidegger’s interpretation of these issues, as following the same “Platonic filiation” as in most of German Idealism’s representatives. Namely, Heidegger seems to interpret praxis beyond all relation to interaction and interlocution, but also that his revaluation of the role of art in politics is because he confers the utmost importance upon poiêsis as an (...)
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  • History as a Phenomenological Issue.Carla Cordua - 2014 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 45 (1):12-20.
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  • Mind in Life, Mind in Process: Toward a New Transcendental Aesthetic and a New Question of Panpsychism.John Protevi - unknown
    The essay examines the idea of ―biological space and time‖ found in Evan Thompson‘s Mind in Life and Gilles Deleuze‘s Difference and Repetition. Tracking down this ―new Transcendental Aesthetic‖ intersects new work done on panpsychism. Both Deleuze and Thompson can be fairly said to be biological panpsychists. That‘s what ―Mind in Life‖ means: mind and life are coextensive; life is a sufficient condition for mind. Deleuze is not just a biological panpsychist, however, so we‘ll have to confront full-fledged panpsychism. At (...)
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  • Action-thoughts and the genesis of time in linguistic semiosis.A. Simsky, A. V. Kravchenko & A. S. Druzhinin - 2021 - Slovo.Ru: Baltic Accent 12 (2):7-28.
    The genesis of time is explained in the spirit of constructivism combined with the activity approach to cognition. The cardinal temporal categories of present, past, and fu- ture are discussed in terms of action-thoughts understood as elementary units of activity whose structure is determined by linguistic semiosis. Husserl’s tripartite model of the phenomenology of time (prime perception, retention, protention) is applied to the ana- lysis of the subject’s experience of his actions. It is demonstrated that, while our lived present is (...)
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  • La filosofía política de Husserl: un estado del arte.Pali Guíñez - 2022 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 13 (1):13-40.
    This article offers a state of the art of research on Husserl's political philosophy. I begin my work outlining historical and systematical reasons about why this area is not only underdeveloped but also that its discoveries are not systematized. Then, I indicate that there have been two major tendencies on how to understand Husserlian political philosophy, on the one hand, as an ontology of the political world and, on the other, as a branch of social ethics. I detail the main (...)
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  • The Nature of Belief and the Method of Its Justification in Husserl’s Philosophy.Carlos Sanchez - 2007 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 7 (2):1-10.
    The present paper attempts to accomplish the following: (1) to clarify and critically discuss the phenomenology of “belief” as we find it in Husserl’s Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, First Book (1913) (henceforward, Ideas I); (2) to clarify and critically discuss the manner in which the phenomenological method treats beliefs; (3) to clarify and critically discuss the manner of belief justification as described by the phenomenological method; and (4) to argue that, just as the (...)
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  • La soledad del fenomenólogo y la comunidad del hablante: Husserl y Hoyos en torno a los problemas de objectividad, normalidad, subjectividad y mundo de la vida.Juan Pablo Garavito Zuluaga - 2013 - Universitas Philosophica 30 (61).
    Frente a interpretaciones que destacan varias etapas de evolución del pensamiento husserliano queremos mostrar la manera en que las preocupaciones fundamentales de su filosofía, la fundamentación de la ciencia, el significado de la objetividad, la lucha contra el empirismo, marcan desde el comienzo su camino. Nos centramos en el tema de la normalidad como punto de entrada a una interpretación no reduccionista del tema de la intersubjetividad, como constitución del yo a través del otro, como resultado de una anormalidad fundante, (...)
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  • The Ego as Topic of Phenomenological Analysis.Flor Emilce Cely - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (146):59-72.
    Husserl began by refusing the possibility to consider the ego as an essential center of reference for intentional acts. But later included it in phenomenological description as the center of reference for intentional experiences. The article analyzes those two moments and their possible correlation with the Kantian theory of the self, in order to highlight the significant difference between the two philosophers.
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