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  1. The problems with liberal consensus. Agonistic politics according to Chantal Mouffe.Anna Szklarska - 2020 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 10 (1):95-114.
    This article is a critical analysis of the most important assumptions of Chantal Mouffe’s political philosophy, along with its original categories such as agonism, radical democracy and hegemony. The sources of her concept are indicated and certain difficulties that the author falls into are distinguished. The thread that is considered central to this philosophy, with the most profound practical consequences, is an attempt to demonstrate the futility of a liberal doctrine that values consensus and deliberation and proclaims an apology for (...)
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  • The Dislocated Universe of Laclau and Mouffe: An Introduction to Post-Structuralist Discourse Theory.Thomas Jacobs - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (3):294-315.
    Post-Structuralist Discourse Theory analyzes political ideas and action from a Marxist direction. However, while classic Marxian sociology is rooted in economic processes that “structure” society and ideas, Post-Structuralist Discourse Theory emphasizes the absence of any determinative principle. Thus, it radicalizes an ongoing shift in Marxism away from economic essentialism towards indeterminacy, contingency, and openness. The ideological superstructure becomes ever more important at the expense of the economic base; class struggle and relations of production lose analytical and strategic purchase in favor (...)
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  • Laclau’s New Postmodern Radicalism: Politics, Democracy, and the Epistemology of Certainty.Pedro Góis Moreira - 2022 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 34 (2):244-278.
    A timeless critique holds that the radical is animated by a deep sense of certainty that leads to the worst excesses. By distinguishing essentialist and non-essentialist forms of radicalism, Ernesto Laclau offers a “coalitional” form of radicalism that, in effect, responds to this critique. Laclau deconstructs classical forms of radicalism, such as Marxism, to show how one can use some of their formal components, such as dichotomic rhetoric and a notion of utopia, without assuming that their particular content (e.g., the (...)
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  • Dehumanizing political others: a discursive-material perspective.Olga Baysha - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 17 (3):292-307.
    In his recent book The Discursive-Material Knot, [Carpentier, N.. The discursive-material Knot: Cyprus in conflict and community media participation. New York: Peter Lang]. Nico Carpentier i...
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  • (1 other version)Ideology and antagonism in modern Italy: Poststructuralist reflections.James Martin - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (2):145-160.
    Modern Italy is frequently diagnosed with having suffered an excess of ideological antagonism. However, poststructuralist political theory implies that, as a form of negative exclusion, antagonism serves a crucial purpose in shaping political discourse and delimiting social and political identities. This essay outlines the poststructuralist argument and sets out an agenda for rethinking ideological conflict in the Italian context. Taking the rise and decline of Italian Anti?Fascism as an example, it argues that antagonism is as important to ideological coherence as (...)
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  • Eyes wide shut: The curious silence of The law of peoples on questions of immigration and citizenship.Robert W. Glover - 2011 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 14:10-49.
    In an interdependent world of overlapping political memberships and identities, states and democratic citizens face difficult choices in responding to large-scale migration and the related question of who ought to have access to citizenship. In an influential attempt to provide a normative framework for a more just global order, The Law of Peoples , John Rawls is curiously silent regarding what his framework would mean for the politics of migration. In this piece, I consider the complications Rawls’s inattention to these (...)
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  • Semiotics of Identity: Politics and Education.Tomasz Szkudlarek - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (2):113-125.
    In this text I concentrate on semiotic aspects of the theory of political identity in the work of Ernesto Laclau, and especially on the connection between metaphors, metonymies, catachreses and synecdoches. Those tropes are of ontological status, and therefore they are of key importance in understanding the discursive “production” of identity in political and educational practices. I use the conceptions of both Laclau and Eco to elucidate the operation of this structure, and illustrate it with an example of the emergence (...)
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  • Sattumuslikkus, hegemoonia ning õiglus: John Rawls ja radikaalne demokraatia.Peeter Selg - 2010 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 3 (1):39-72.
    Artikkel käsitleb kriitiliselt üht viimaste kümnendite vastandust poliitilises filosoofias — ‘poliitilise liberalismi’ (Rawls) ja ‘radikaalse demokraatia’ (Laclau ja Mouffe) vahel. Artikkel püüab käivitada potentsiaalset dialoogi nende kahe näiliselt lahkneva lähenemise vahel. Kokkuvõttes näitab artikkel, et vastandus on möödarääkimine vähemalt ühes fundamentaalses mõttes: mõlemad lähenemised jagavad ühiskonnastmõtlemisel sama aluseetost. Artiklis nimetatakse seda ‘sattumuslikkuse eetoseks’ ning väidetakse, et see on kõige fundamentaalsem alusveendumus nii Laclau ja Mouffe’i ‘radikaalse demokraatia’ kui ka Rawlsi ‘õigluse kui ausameelsuse’ idee jaoks. Artikkel osutab ka ühele kesksele kitsaskohale (...)
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  • Toward a universalistic theory of political obligation: A post-structuralist approach.Giorgi Tskhadaia - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Developing a plausible theory of political obligation is crucial for understanding our current political lives or constructing new ones. However, it proved to be hard to arrive at a theory that is universalistic and logically consistent. Without adherence to certain universalistic principles, such as freedom and equality, one might be tempted to justify individuals’ allegiance to authoritarian regimes based on particularistic reasons. Also, one may argue that if a general theory of political obligation cannot be devised, we are justified to (...)
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  • Restoring society to post-structuralist politics.Will Leggett - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (3):299-315.
    Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s post-Marxist analysis pushed Gramsci’s anti-determinism to its limits, embracing a post-structuralist, discourse-centred politics. Mouffe’s subsequent programme for radical democracy has sought a renewed democratic left project. While radical democracy’s post-structuralism enables important insights into political subjectivity and antagonism in contemporary democracies, it also weakens its own critical and strategic capacity. By recuperating its Gramscian heritage, radical democracy could be more theoretically and politically effective. In contrast to discourses operating in an entirely open and contingent political (...)
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