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  1. Rude Inquiry: Should Philosophy Be More Polite?Alice MacLachlan - 2021 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 31 (2):175-198.
    Should philosophers be more polite to one another? The topic of good manners—or, more grandly, civility—has enjoyed a recent renaissance in philosophical circles, but little of the formal discussion has been self-directed: that is, it has not examined the virtues and vices of polite and impolite philosophizing, in particular. This is an oversight; practices of rudeness do rather a lot of work in enacting distinctly philosophical modes of engagement, in ways that both shape and detract from the aims of our (...)
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  • Gossip as a Burdened Virtue.Mark Alfano & Brian Robinson - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (3):473-82.
    Gossip is often serious business, not idle chitchat. Gossip allows those oppressed to privately name their oppressors as a warning to others. Of course, gossip can be in error. The speaker may be lying or merely have lacked sufficient evidence. Bias can also make those who hear the gossip more or less likely to believe the gossip. By examining the social functions of gossip and considering the differences in power dynamics in which gossip can occur, we contend that gossip may (...)
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  • Silence Is Golden. Six Reasons Inhibiting the Spread of Third-Party Gossip.Francesca Giardini & Rafael P. M. Wittek - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:441563.
    Most of the current literature on gossip describes gossipmongers as incessantly sharing evaluative and valuable information about an absent third party in teams, groups, communities, and organizations. However, potential gossipers can similarly decide not to share what they know, depending on the content, the context, or their relationship with the other actors in the gossip triad. We argue that understanding the reasons why people do not gossip may provide useful insights into individual motives, group dynamics, and collective behaviors. This theoretical (...)
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  • Reputation and morality.Yotam Benziman - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (1):109-119.
    The concept of reputation has hardly been analyzed by philosophers. My analysis presents a puzzle: reputation is a portrayal of who one is. However, it is dependent on others. This description contradicts David Oderberg’s analogy between reputation and property. I discuss the relation of reputation to gossip and conclude that we should take spreading information seriously. We should go back to the original meaning of gossip: the term “Godsib,” meaning godfather. In our global village we are all entrusted with other’s (...)
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  • Stauffenberg’ün Valkyrie (2008) Filmindeki Eylemlerinin Diğerk'mlık Erdemi Perspektifinden Değerlendirilmesi.Hamidullah Genç - 2023 - Marifetname 10 (1):187-224.
    Sinema, anlatısal tarzları ve ürünleri aracılığıyla dünyânın her köşesine ulaşmasıyla kültürel temsîliyetin etkili bir aracıdır. Sinema sanatsal, belgesel ve dramatik şekillerde dışsal gerçeklikleri ve zihinsel deneyimleri tasvîr ederek farklı temalarla çeşitli konuları işler. Dolayısıyla sinemanın bilgi akışı ortamındaki her filmi bir kavramsal ve felsefî arka plana sâhiptir. Savaş döneminde geçen Valkyrie (2008) filmi, kendisi ve sevdiklerini tehlikeye atıp başkalarını öncelikli tutarak, yaşanan acıyı hafifletmek için çaba sarf eden bir karakteri tasvîr etmektedir. Bu çabaları, onun diğerkâm motivasyonunu gösterir. Çalışmada sinema, simülatif (...)
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