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  1. The Ethical Self in the Later Foucault: the Question of Normativity.Gavin Rae - 2022 - Sophia 62 (2):381-403.
    Michel’s Foucault’s later work has been the subject of much critical interest regarding the question of whether it provides a normative stance that prescribes how the self ought to act. Having first outlined the nature of the debate, I engage with Foucault’s comparative analysis of the ethical systems of ancient Greeks and Christianity to show that he holds that the former maintains that the ethical subject was premised not on adherence to a priori rules as in Christianity, but from and (...)
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  • The caring university: Making the case for students’ agency and capabilities.Mette Hjort - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    While concepts of care and caring have a long history, the terms have become especially prominent in recent times. Care and caring, I argue, have emerged as what philosopher Charles Taylor calls ‘moral sources,’ uber-concepts that allow for moral deliberation, the prioritization of preferences, and our identity formation as persons. Linking the current salience of care to a growing awareness of the dynamics of a crisis- and catastrophe-ridden world, I consider care within the context of university students’ declining mental health. (...)
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  • Working the Self: Truth-Telling in the Practice of Alcoholics Anonymous.Fredrik Palm - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (1):103-120.
    This article interrogates twelve step practice within Alcoholics Anonymous from the perspective of Foucault’s later work on governance, truth-telling and subjectivity. Recent critical studies of addiction tend to view self-help cultures like that of AA and related twelve step programs as integral parts of contemporary power/knowledge complexes, and thus as agents of the modern “will to knowledge” that Foucault often engages with. In line with the widespread Foucauldian critique of governmentality, addiction self-help culture is thus conceived as one that primarily (...)
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  • The obligation to truth and the care of the self:Michel Foucault on scientific discipline and on philosophy as spiritual self-practice.Herman Westerink - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 81 (3):246-259.
    It has often been argued that Foucault’s turn to antique and early Christian care of the self, spiritual self-.practices and truth-telling (parrhesia) results from inquiries into the confession practices and pastoral power structures in the context of a genealogy of the desiring subject. This line of reasoning is in itself not incorrect, but – this article claims – needs to be complemented with an account of Foucault’s philosophical quest for freedom and for conditions, possibilities and modes of thinking and acting (...)
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