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  1. From “education for sustainable development” to “education for the end of the world as we know it”.Sharon Stein, Vanessa Andreotti, Rene Suša, Cash Ahenakew & Tereza Čajková - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3):274-287.
    In this article, we address the limitations of sustainable development as an orienting educational horizon of hope and change, given that mainstream development presumes the possibility of perpetual growth and consumption on a finite planet. Facing these limitations requires us to consider the inherently violent and unsustainable nature of our modern-colonial modes of existence. Thus, we propose a shift from “education for sustainable development” to “education for the end of the world as we know it.” We contend that the predicament (...)
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  • Techno-moral change through solar geoengineering: How geoengineering challenges sustainability.Benjamin Paul Hofbauer - 2022 - Prometheus:82 - 97.
    This article brings a new perspective to the ethical debate on geoengineering through stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), incorporating the emerging techno-moral change scholarship into the discussion surrounding sustainability. The techno-moral change approach can help us understand different ways in which technology might shape society. First, it helps highlight how values and norms are interrelated. Second, it shows that techno-moral change can happen even if the technology is in no way realized. Through the introduction of two techno-moral vignettes, two diametrically opposed (...)
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  • Reforesting Native America with Drones: Rooting Carbon with Arborescent Governmentality and Decolonial Geoengineering.Adam Fish - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (7-8):157-177.
    The Confederated Colville Tribes collaborated with DroneSeed, a forestry drone start-up, to use drones to replant their tribal forest after a devastating fire. Using concepts from Bernard Stiegler to interrogate ethnographic data, this article argues that forestry drones are pharmaka: their biopolitics can be therapeutic, that is, negentropic, capable of reversing ecological simplification. Drone forestry is a type of arborescent governmentality, a tree-based computer-coded attempt to control the growth of a forest. For the Colville, this negentropy is also an act (...)
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