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  1. Between Descartes and Boyle: Burchard de Volder’s Experimental Lectures at Leiden, 1676–1678.Andrea Strazzoni - 2022 - In Davide Cellamare & Mattia Mantovani (eds.), Descartes in the classroom: teaching Cartesian philosophy in the early modern age. Boston: Brill. pp. 174-198.
    In this chapter I provide a reconstruction of the contents of the lectures provided by Burchard de Volder by means of experiments at Leiden, in the years 1676–1678, as well as of the natural-philosophical interpretation he provided of the experimental evidences he gained. Such lectures, mostly based on the experiments described by Boyle, served De Volder to teach natural-philosophical ideas which he borrowed from Descartes, and which he re-interpreted in the light of Archimedes’s hydrostatics.
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  • Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes.Mehmet Karabela - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    Early modern Protestant scholars closely engaged with Islamic thought in more ways than is usually recognized. Among Protestants, Lutheran scholars distinguished themselves as the most invested in the study of Islam and Muslim culture. Mehmet Karabela brings the neglected voices of post-Reformation theologians, primarily German Lutherans, into focus and reveals their rigorous engagement with Islamic thought. Inspired by a global history approach to religious thought, Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes offers new sources to broaden the conventional interpretation of the Reformation (...)
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  • Different Modes of Competition? Early Modern Universities and Their Rivalries.Gerhard Wiesenfeldt - 2016 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 24 (2):125-139.
    Ausgehend von den Konkurrenzbegriffen Niklas Luhmanns und Georg Simmels untersucht der Artikel, inwieweit sich Konkurrenzverhältnisse an frühneuzeitlichen Universitäten in den Begriffen von Konkurrenzbedingungen moderner Ökonomie interpretieren lassen. Dieses wird anhand von Gelehrtenstreiten, dem Disputationswesen sowie Konflikten über professorale Privilegien und Universitätsgründungen diskutiert. Die zentrale These lautet, dass ökonomische Bedingungen sehr wohl eine wesentliche Rolle für Konkurrenzverhältnisse spielten, diese aber eben dem feudalistischen Wirtschaftssystem entsprachen und auf Erlangung bzw. Wahrung von Pfründen und Privilegien ausgerichtet waren. Ein moderner Konkurrenzbegriff ist demnach nur (...)
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