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  1. Algorithmic bias: on the implicit biases of social technology.Gabbrielle Johnson - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9941-9961.
    Often machine learning programs inherit social patterns reflected in their training data without any directed effort by programmers to include such biases. Computer scientists call this algorithmic bias. This paper explores the relationship between machine bias and human cognitive bias. In it, I argue similarities between algorithmic and cognitive biases indicate a disconcerting sense in which sources of bias emerge out of seemingly innocuous patterns of information processing. The emergent nature of this bias obscures the existence of the bias itself, (...)
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  • The Past 110 Years: Historical Data on the Underrepresentation of Women in Philosophy Journals.Nicole Hassoun, Sherri Conklin, Michael Nekrasov & Jevin West - 2022 - Ethics 132 (3):680-729.
    This article provides the first large-scale, longitudinal study examining publication rates by gender in philosophy journals. We find that from 1900 to 1990 the proportion of women authorships in philosophy increased, but it has plateaued since the 1990s. Top Philosophy journals publish the lowest proportion of women, and anonymous review does not increase the proportion publishing in these journals. Value Theory journals do not publish articles by women in proportion to their presence in the subdiscipline. Although the proportion of women (...)
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  • Why So Low?Anna Leuschner - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (3):231-249.
    Empirical evidence indicates that women philosophers tend to submit their work to journals substantially less often than their male colleagues. This paper points out that this difference in submission behavior comes with other specific aspects of women philosophers’ behavior, such as a tendency to be reluctant to participate in discussions, to be willing to do work low in prestige, and to specialize in certain research topics, and it argues that these differences can be understood as indirect effects of social biases: (...)
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  • How do philosophers and nonphilosophers think about philosophy? And does personality make a difference?James Andow - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2).
    Recent metaphilosophical debates have focused on the methods/epistemology of philosophy, and the structure of the discipline. The paper reports the results of an exploratory study examining the relationship between personality and both kinds of metaphilosophical view. The findings reported are No important link between personality and attitudes to intuitions, Apparent differences between experts and non-experts as to which subfields are considered central, Only limited evidence that perceptions of centrality are related to personality in minor ways. Although no dramatic relationships between (...)
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  • Power, privilege, and obverse apprenticeship.Millicent S. Churcher - 2024 - Journal of Social Philosophy 55 (3):452-470.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  • New Data on the Linguistic Diversity of Authorship in Philosophy Journals.Chun-Ping Yen & Tzu-Wei Hung - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (4):953-974.
    This paper investigates the representation of authors with different linguistic backgrounds in academic publishing. We first review some common rebuttals of concerns about linguistic injustice. We then analyze 1039 authors of philosophy journals, primarily selected from the 2015 Leiter Report. While our data show that Anglophones dominate the output of philosophy papers, this unequal distribution cannot be solely attributed to language capacities. We also discover that ethics journals have more Anglophone authors than logic journals and that most authors are affiliated (...)
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  • Philosophy’s gender gap and argumentative arena: an empirical study.Moti Mizrahi & Michael Adam Dickinson - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-34.
    While the empirical evidence pointing to a gender gap in professional, academic philosophy in the English-speaking world is widely accepted, explanations of this gap are less so. In this paper, we aim to make a modest contribution to the literature on the gender gap in academic philosophy by taking a quantitative, corpus-based empirical approach. Since some philosophers have suggested that it may be the argumentative, “logic-chopping,” and “paradox-mongering” nature of academic philosophy that explains the underrepresentation of women in the discipline, (...)
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  • Philosophical research in Brazil: A structural topic modeling approach with a focus on temporal and gender trends.Marcos Fanton, Hugo Ribeiro Mota, Carolina de Melo Bomfim Araújo, Mitieli Seixas da Silva & Raquel Canuto - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (3):457-501.
    This paper employs structural topic modeling (STM) to describe the academic philosophy landscape in Brazil. Based on a public national database, a corpus consisting of 12,515 abstracts of monographs defended in philosophy graduate programs between 1991 and 2021 was compiled. The final STM model identified 74 meaningful research topics, clustered into 7 thematic categories. This study discusses the prevalence of the most significant topics and categories, their trends across three decades, and their (positive or negative) association with the supervisor's gender. (...)
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  • Philosophy among the social sciences: Women, disciplines and progress.Fiona Jenkins - 2024 - Journal of Social Philosophy 55 (3):368-385.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  • Women in Philosophy: What is to be Done? Interrogating the Values of Representation and Intersectionality.Rebecca Buxton & Lisa Whiting - 2023 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 19 (1):6-28.
    It is clear that philosophy has a “woman problem”. Despite the recent acceptance of this fact, it is less clear what ought to be done about it. In this paper, we argue that philosophy as a discipline is uniquely well-positioned to think through the marginalisation suffered by women and other minorities. We therefore interrogate two values that already undergird conversations about inclusion— representation and intersectionality—in order to think about the path ahead. We argue that, once we have done so, it (...)
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  • Žene filozofkinje u komunističkom socijalizmu.Luka Boršić & Ivana Skuhala Karasman - 2023 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 19 (1):3-32.
    Tekst predstavlja analizu situacije sa ženama filozofkinjama u Hrvatskoj tijekom komunističko-socijalističkog razdoblja (1945. - 1989.). Analiza se usredotočuje na dva aspekta: stjecanje doktorata iz filozofije i publikacije. Naša analiza pokazuje da su filozofkinje tijekom tog razdoblja po oba kriterija, odnosno po broju doktora filozofije i broju publikacija, bile proporcionalno na otprilike istoj razini kao i danas u zapadnim zemljama, uključujući današnju Republiku Hrvatsku. Komunistički socijalizam je bio koristan za filozofkinje na dva načina. Prvo, administrativno, uklonio je prepreke za zapošljavanje žena (...)
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  • Participación de mujeres en la historia de Ideas y Valores.María Lucía Rivera Sanín & Diana María Acevedo Zapata - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70:145-171.
    Este es un estudio descriptivo sobre la participación de las mujeres en los 70 años de la revista Ideas y Valores. Describimos la progresión histórica de la proporción de género en la publicación de textos, el comportamiento de las autoras según los tipos de textos de su autoría y el impacto de la indexación de la revista en la proporción de género. Caracterizamos a las autoras según tipos de textos, país de afiliación institucional y temas, y describimos su participación como (...)
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