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  1. Sociology and theology reconsidered.John D. Brewer - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (2):7-28.
    This article explores the relationship between theology and sociology on two levels. The first is in terms of the general disciplinary closure that has marked much of their coexistence, despite the many topics on which they potentially meet. The second level is more specific and concerns the tension in Britain between religious sociology, in which sociology is put to serve faith, and the secular sociology of religion, where religion is studied scientifically. This tension has been addressed before with respect to (...)
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  • Religion als Urbanität: Ein anderer Blick auf Stadtreligion.Jörg Rüpke - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 27 (1):174-195.
    Zusammenfassung Religion in der Großstadt ist ein brennendes Thema, nicht nur für die Forschung. Der Blick auf die Stadt als Hort der Säkularisierung ist durch neue Formen religiöser Präsenz, Debatten um Religion als kulturelles Erbe, durch blutige Pogrome und Erfahrungen der „fundamentalistischen Stadt” erschüttert worden. Der Blick auf Religion und Stadt in der Antike durch die Linse von Numa Fustel de Coulange kann einen unerwarteten Beitrag zur gegenwärtige Debatte liefern: nämlich dann, wenn man einen verengten Blick auf Polisreligion als Staatsreligion (...)
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  • Whistleblowers in Organisations: Prophets at Work? [REVIEW]Stephanos Avakian & Joanne Roberts - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (1):71-84.
    This article argues that the study of biblical prophets offers a profound contribution to understanding the experience, role and attributes of whistleblowers. Little is known in the literature about the moral triggers that lead individuals to blow the whistle in organisations or why whistleblowers may show persistence against the harshness experienced as a result of their actions. This article argues that our understanding of the whistleblower’s work is highly informed by appreciating how moral values and norms are exercised by prophets (...)
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