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  1. (1 other version)The impact of Ibn sīnā's critique of atomism on subsequent kalām discussions of atomism.Alnoor Dhanani - 2015 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 25 (1):79-104.
    RésuméL'atomisme dukalāms'est constitué en opposition à la philosophie naturelle aristotélicienne desfalāsifa. Dans laPhysiqueduShifā', Avicenne s'en est livré à une réfutation détaillée et fondée sur de nombreux arguments. Ces derniers ont donné lieu à une réponse fort discrète chez al-Ghazālī, dont l'obédience aukalāmétait au mieux évanescente. Une réponse plus développée semble avoir été le fait d'al-Shahrastānī, encore qu'on n'en puisse retracer que les grandes lignes en raison du manque de sources transmises. Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, qui est passé dans son développement intellectuel (...)
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  • Typologies of Scepticism in the Philosophical Tradition of Kalām.Abdurrahman Ali Mihirig - 2020 - Theoria 88 (1):13-48.
    This article examines the role of scepticism in the Islamic philosophical tradition. It begins with a treatment of the origins and purpose of these discussions in classical kalām (c. 800–1100 CE). Then it moves on to the more mature discussions treating five forms of scepticism in the post‐classical period (c.1200–1800 CE), with the aim of demonstrating how they construed scepticism, the arguments for and against it, and what purposes scepticism played in their system. Three of these types of scepticism are (...)
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  • How Much Should or Can Science Impact Theological Formulations? An Ashʿarī Perspective on Theology of Nature.Shoaib Ahmed Malik & Nazif Muhtaroglu - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (2):(SI8)5-35.
    There have been many developments in the field of science and religion over the past few decades. One such development is referred to as ‘theology of nature’ (ToN), which is the activity of building or revising theological frameworks in light of contemporary scientific developments, e.g., evolution, chaos theory, and quantum mechanics. Ian Barbour, John Polkinghorne, and Arthur Peacocke, all of whom are Christian thinkers, are the most well-known advocates of this kind of thinking. However, this discourse has not been examined (...)
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  • Koliko znanost treba ili može utjecati na teološke formulacije?Shoaib Ahmed Malik & Nazif Muhtaroglu - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (2):8-35.
    U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća svjedočimo velikom razvoju istraživanja na području znanosti i religije. Jedan takav razvoj naziva se 'teologija prirode' (ToN), što uključuje aktivnost izgradnje ili revizije teoloških okvira u svjetlu suvremenih znanstvenih razvoja, npr. evolucije, teorije kaosa i kvantne mehanike. Ian Barbour, John Polkinghorne i Arthur Peacocke, kršćanski mislioci, najpoznatiji su zagovornici ove vrste razmišljanja. Međutim, ovaj diskurs nije ispitan iz islamske perspektive. S obzirom na ovaj jaz, u članku razmatramo ovaj način razmišljanja iz perspektive Ashʿarī škole mišljenja koja (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Impact of Ibn Sīnā’s Critique of Atomism on Subsequent Kalām Discussions of Atomism.Alnoor Dhanani - 2021 - Kader 19 (1):322-346.
    Kalām atomism stood in opposition to the Aristotelian natural philosophy of the falāsifa. In the Physics of the Shifā’, Ibn Sīnā undertook a detailed Refutation of kalām Atomism through several arguments. These arguments elicited a muted response from al-Ghazālī, whose commitment to kalām was minimal at best. A more forceful response seems to have been offered by al-Shahrastānī but its details remain sketchy due to the lack of surviving sources. Fakhr al-Dīn ar-Rāzī, whose intellectual development went through a phase of (...)
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  • Авіценна й авіценізм у мусульманській філософській думці на українських землях: Посткласичний період.Михайло Якубович - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (1):27-40.
    The article is dedicated to the development of Avicennism in the Ukrainian lands, first of all, in the works of Muslim thinkers who came from the South of Ukraine during the early Modern Era. Giving the importance of the legacy of Ibn Sina for the Muslim philosophical and theological thought, the question arises of those areas of knowledge that have become common to both approaches. Since ontology of Ibn Sina is meant, in particular the idea of a corresponding gradation of (...)
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