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From Participation to Interruption : Toward an ethics of stakeholder engagement, participation and partnership in corporate social responsibility and responsible innovation.V. Blok - 2019 - In René von Schomberg & Jonathan Hankins, International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. A global resource. Cheltenham, Royaume-Uni: Edward Elgar Publishing.details
(1 other version)Implementing the ethos of corporate codes of ethics: Australia, Canada, and Sweden.Greg Wood, Göran Svensson, Jang Singh, Emily Carasco & Michael Callaghan - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (4):389-403.details
(1 other version)Implementing the ethos of corporate codes of ethics: Australia, Canada, and Sweden.Greg Wood, Göran Svensson, Jang Singh, Emily Carasco & Michael Callaghan - 2004 - Business Ethics 13 (4):389-403.details
Scoring Firms’ Codes of Ethics: An Explorative Study of Quality Drivers.Giovanni Maria Garegnani, Emilia Piera Merlotti & Angeloantonio Russo - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (4):541-557.details
A Model of Business Ethics.Göran Svensson & Greg Wood - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (3):303-322.details
Innovative Stakeholder Relations: When “Ethics Pays” (and When it Doesn’t).Troy R. Harting, Susan S. Harmeling & S. Venkataraman - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (1):43-68.details
(1 other version)A comparison between corporate and public sector business ethics in Sweden.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 2004 - Business Ethics 13 (2-3):166-184.details
(1 other version)A comparison between corporate and public sector business ethics in Sweden.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (2-3):166-184.details
(1 other version)A comparison of business ethics commitment in private and public sector organizations in Sweden.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 2010 - Business Ethics: A European Review 19 (2):213-232.details
Contract theories and partnership in health care. A philosophical inquiry to the philosophy of John Rawls and Seyla Benhabib.Sylvia Määttä, Kim Lützén & Stina Öresland - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (3):e12164.details
(1 other version)A comparison of business ethics commitment in private and public sector organizations in sweden.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 2010 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (2):213-232.details
(1 other version)A cross-cultural construct of the ethos of the corporate codes of ethics: Australia, canada and sweden.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood, Jang Singh & Michael Callaghan - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (3):253-267.details
(1 other version)A cross-cultural construct of the ethos of the corporate codes of ethics: Australia, Canada and Sweden.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood, Jang Singh & Michael Callaghan - 2009 - Business Ethics: A European Review 18 (3):253-267.details
(1 other version)Implementation, communication and benefits of corporate codes of ethics: An international and longitudinal approach for australia, canada and sweden.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood, Jang Singh & Michael Callaghan - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (4):389-407.details
(1 other version)Implementation, communication and benefits of corporate codes of ethics: an international and longitudinal approach for Australia, Canada and Sweden.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood, Jang Singh & Michael Callaghan - 2009 - Business Ethics: A European Review 18 (4):389-407.details
Code of ethics quality: an international comparison of corporate staff support and regulation in Australia, Canada and the United States.Michael Callaghan, Greg Wood, Janice M. Payan, Jang Singh & Göran Svensson - 2011 - Business Ethics: A European Review 21 (1):15-30.details
(1 other version)The embeddedness of codes of ethics in organizations in Australia, Canada and the United States.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood, Jang Singh, Janice M. Payan & Michael Callaghan - 2011 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 20 (4):405-417.details
(1 other version)The embeddedness of codes of ethics in organizations in Australia, Canada and the United States.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood, Jang Singh, Janice M. Payan & Michael Callaghan - 2011 - Business Ethics: A European Review 20 (4):405-417.details
Ethical structures and processes of corporations operating in australia, canada, and sweden: A longitudinal and cross-cultural study.Goran Svensson, Greg Wood, Jang Singh, Emily Carasco & Michael Callaghan - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (4):485 - 506.details
Indicators of perceived corporate commitment to ethics in top Taiwanese and Turkish companies: An exploratory study.Tzong Ru Lee, Arzu Ulgen Aydinlik, Dilek Donmez, Goran Svensson, Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (3):178.details
A construct of code effectiveness: empirical findings and measurement properties.Mornay Roberts-Lombard, Mercy Mpinganjira, Greg Wood & Göran Svensson Svensson - 2016 - African Journal of Business Ethics 10 (1).details
Determinants of the Effectiveness of Corporate Codes of Ethics: An Empirical Study. [REVIEW]Jang B. Singh - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (3):385-395.details
When Suits Meet Roots: The Antecedents and Consequences of Community Engagement Strategy. [REVIEW]Frances Bowen, Aloysius Newenham-Kahindi & Irene Herremans - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (2):297 - 318.details
Ethics as a risk management strategy: The australian experience. [REVIEW]Ronald Francis & Anona Armstrong - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (4):375 - 385.details
Dissenting Discourse: Exploring Alternatives to the Whistleblowing/Silence Dichotomy. [REVIEW]Hayden Teo & Donella Caspersz - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (2):237-249.details
The Influence of Internal and External Codes on CSR Practice: The Case of Companies Operating in Serbia. [REVIEW]Ivana S. Mijatovic & Dusan Stokic - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (4):533 - 552.details