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Strawson on anti-realism

Synthese 40 (2):283 - 299 (1979)

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  1. How sceptical is Kripke's ‘sceptical solution’?David Davies - 1998 - Philosophia 26 (1-2):119-140.
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  • How sceptical is Kripke's 'sceptical solution'.F. Davies - 1998 - Philsophia 26 (1-2):119-40.
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  • Mathematical Platonism and Dummettian Anti‐Realism.John McDowell - 1989 - Dialectica 43 (1‐2):173-192.
    SummaryThe platonist, in affirming the principle of bivalence for sentences for which there is no decision procedure, disconnects their truth‐conditions from conditions that would enable us to prove them ‐ as if Goldbach's conjecture, say, might just happen to be true. According to Dummett, what has gone wrong here is that the meaning of the relevant sentences has been conceived so as to go beyond what could be learned in learning to use them, or displayed in using them competently. Dummett (...)
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  • Anti‐Realism under Mind?von Drew Khlentzos - 1989 - Dialectica 43 (4):315-328.
    SummaryAnti‐Realism claims that the Classical or Realist conception of truth as verification‐transcendent is incoherent. Our grasp of the meanings of statements from any given class is to be assimilated to a grasp of their assertibility or deniability conditions. In this paper I present an apparent counter‐example to the Anti‐Realist's positive claim which derives from the traditional problem of other minds.ResumeL'anti‐réalisme affirme ľincohérence de la conception réaliste classique de la vérité comme transcendante à la vérification. Notre saisie des significations des énoncés (...)
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  • Der Intersubjektive Faktor. Bemerkungen zu Richard Rortys erkenntnistheoretischem Behaviorismus.Wolfgang R. Köhler - 1983 - Analyse & Kritik 5 (1):97-113.
    The following article is only in part a review of Rorty’s “Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature”. First I sketch the development of the two leading metaphors, which Rorty considers as being central for epistemology, namely the mirror of nature and the eye of the mind. Then I try to bring out the antirealist implications of Rorty’s socalled “epistemological behaviorism” and to make sense of his slogan that truth is merely warranted assertability which in my view seems not to be (...)
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  • Realism and Behaviourism.Alan Weir - 1986 - Dialectica 40 (3):167-200.
    SummaryMany contemporary philosophers of language believe that realist metaphysics and a beha‐viouristic approach to language are incompatible, debate centring on which is to be given up. In this paper I argue that no incompatibility has been shown to exist. In the first section I attempt to give both a characterization of, and an argument for, behaviourism. Then I attempt to characterize realism more generally than is often done, evaluating the work of Dummett, Quine, Putnam and Wittgenstein, as recently interpreted, in (...)
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