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  1. Demonstrating the Impact of Cognitive CEO on Firms’ Performance and CSR Activity.Hui Li, Yong Hang, Syed Ghulam Meran Shah, Aswad Akram & Ilknur Ozturk - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • CEO Hubris and Firm Pollution: State and Market Contingencies in a Transitional Economy.Lu Zhang, Shenggang Ren, Xiaohong Chen, Dayuan Li & Duanjinyu Yin - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):459-478.
    This study focuses on CEO hubris and its effect on corporate unethical behaviour—pollution in particular, and in addition examines critical institutional contingencies [state ownership, political connection and industrial competition] which may moderate this effect. With data from over-polluting listed firms based on the real-time pollution monitoring system in transitional China from 2015 to 2017, we find that CEO hubris is significantly positively related to firm pollution, and that the moderating role of SO is not significant, that PC positively moderates the (...)
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  • Exploring the Cognitive Foundations of Managerial (Climate) Change Decisions.Belinda Wade & Andrew Griffiths - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (1):15-40.
    AbstractClimate change is a complex, multilevel challenge with implications of failure unimaginable for current and future generations. However, despite the Paris Agreement supporting the imperative for action in an atmosphere of scientific consensus, organisations are failing to take the decisive action required. We argue that this lack of organisational action needs to be addressed by examining the cognitive foundations of managerial decisions on climate change and sustainability. A systematic review of research on cognition, sensemaking and managerial interpretation where it is (...)
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  • Is Interpersonal Guanxi Beneficial in Fostering Interfirm Trust? The Contingent Effect of Institutional- and Individual-Level Characteristics.Lu Shen, Kevin Zheng Zhou & Chuang Zhang - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (3):575-592.
    Despite the prevalent role of guanxi in conducting business in Chinese, it is unclear whether interpersonal guanxi fosters interfirm trust. Taking a contingency approach, this study examines how institutional (government–market relationship and Buddhism influence) and individual (relative role performance and the span of partner control) factors moderate the association between interpersonal guanxi and interfirm trust. Based on a paired survey between salespersons and sales managers and two secondary datasets, this study finds that interpersonal guanxi is positively associated with interfirm trust. (...)
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  • Stakeholder Relationship Capability and Firm Innovation: A Contingent Analysis.Wei Jiang, Aric Xu Wang, Kevin Zheng Zhou & Chuang Zhang - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (1):111-125.
    Despite the growing importance of stakeholder management, few studies have empirically examined the influence of stakeholder relationship capability on firm innovation, especially in emerging economies. This study investigates how SRC relates to firm innovation in the presence of governmental intervention and in combination with firm-level characteristics. Using a survey and multiple secondary datasets on the listed Chinese firms, our findings indicate that SRC is positively associated with firm innovation. Moreover, advanced legal development and high-tech status strengthen the positive link between (...)
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  • How Officials’ Political Incentives Influence Corporate Green Innovation.Shenggang Ren, Donghua Liu & Ji Yan - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (3):633-653.
    Drawing on tournament theory, we argue that when environmental goals are incorporated into the cadre evaluation system, compared to officials who are close to retirement (i.e., retiring officials), non-retiring officials may exert more effort to foster risky green innovation. Based on a sample of publicly traded firms from heavily polluting industries in China between 2008 and 2016, we hypothesize and find that confronted with severe environmental pollution, firms in provinces with non-retiring governors have higher green innovation performance than those in (...)
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  • Green Practices and Customer Evaluations of the Service Experience: The Moderating Roles of External Environmental Factors and Firm Characteristics.Wei Jiang, Liwen Wang & Kevin Zheng Zhou - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):237-253.
    Given that services differ from goods in terms of intangibility, heterogeneity, and inseparability, customers may evaluate green services differently from how they evaluate green goods. Previous research has investigated customers’ perceptions and purchase decisions regarding green products. However, limited attention has been paid to the impact of green practices on customer evaluations of the service experience as well as important contingencies that bear on this relationship. Drawing on stakeholder theory, our study examines the impact of green practices on customer evaluations (...)
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  • Accounting for Plural Cognitive Framings of Growth and Sustainability: Rethinking Management Education in Latin America.Maria Jose Murcia & Pilar Acosta - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (2):299-313.
    This paper surveys future managers’ cognitive framings of interconnected concerns for economic growth, social prosperity, and the natural environment across six countries in Latin America, and elaborates on implications for sustainability management education. Our cluster analysis unveils three cognitive types. Our findings show that whereas some future managers exhibit a ‘business case’ cognitive frame, prioritizing economic growth over the environment, the other two clusters of participants show signs of cognitive dissonance with some of the tenets of the current growth paradigm (...)
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  • A New Research Horizon for Mass Entrepreneurship Policy and Chinese Firms’ CSR: Introduction to the Thematic Symposium. [REVIEW]Zhenzhong Ma & Maoliang Bu - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (4):603-607.
    While China has experienced an unprecedented growth over the past decades, sustainability has become a major concern for policymakers and management practitioners. Consideration has been given to the convergence of mass entrepreneurship and innovation as a new economic driver and sustainability as a long-term economic objective. The focus of China’s economic development has moved from a resource-based expansion to a more entrepreneurial and socially responsible one. This is a timely and critical topic that captures the increasing concerns over sustainability and (...)
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