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  1. The irreducibility of subjectivity: exploring the intersubjective dialectic of body-subject and body-object in anorexia nervosa.Junguo Zhang - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    This paper delves into the complex and conflicting relationship between the body-subject and body-object, as well as the self and the other, within the context of anorexia nervosa. Within the field of phenomenology of medicine and health, the emphasis tends to be on the dimension of the lived body, with limited attention given to the physical dimension of the body. Recognizing the work of scholars who have acknowledged this oversight and made progress in addressing it, this paper aims to further (...)
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  • Fostering dialogue: a phenomenological approach to bridging the gap between the “voice of medicine” and the “voice of the lifeworld”.Junguo Zhang - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (2):155-164.
    This article adopts Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology to explore the complex relationship between patients and physicians. It delves into the coexistence of two distinct voices in the realm of medicine and health: the “voice of medicine” and the “voice of life-world.” Divided into three sections, the article emphasizes the importance of shifting from a scientific-medical attitude to a more personalistic approach in physician–patient interactions. This shift aims to prevent depersonalization and desubjectification. Additionally, it highlights the equal and irreducible nature of patients (...)
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  • Die Diskussion zwischen José Gaos und Luis Villoro über den Begriff der Lebenswelt—Kritische Auswertung einer entscheidenden Episode der Rezeptionsgeschichte von Husserls Phänomenologie in Spanien und Mexiko.Sergio Pérez-Gatica - 2021 - Husserl Studies 37 (3):271-286.
    Die vorliegende Arbeit thematisiert eine sowohl im deutschen als auch im spanischen und englischen Sprachraum weitgehend unbekannte philosophische Kontroverse zweier herausragender Figuren der Rezeptionsgeschichte von Husserls Phänomenologie in Mexiko zur Zeit des spanischen republikanischen Exils. Es handelt sich um die Diskussion zwischen José Gaos und Luis Villoro über den phänomenologischen Begriff der Lebenswelt. Im ersten Teil meiner Darstellung werde ich den akademischen Kontext dieser Diskussion erörtern. Im zweiten Teil gehe ich auf die Hauptthese eines Vortrags ein, den Gaos 1963 in (...)
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  • Husserl’s Transcendental Subjectivity, Transcendental Person, and the World.Junguo Zhang - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 32 (4):428-455.
    In this article, we attempt to explore Husserl’s transcendental subjectivity and its relation to the world. Our focus is on the question of whether Husserl’s transcendental subjectivity can be seen as transcendental ‘being-in-the-world,’ in response to critical examinations made by philosophers such as Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Patočka, and Biemel. While their critiques have complex implications and are subject to debate, they contribute to our understanding of the intricate relationship between transcendental subjectivity and the world. It is important to clarify that this (...)
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