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  1. Knowledge building process during collaborative research ethics training for researchers: experiences from one university.Anu Tammeleht, Kairi Koort, María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana & Erika Löfström - 2022 - International Journal of Ethics Education 7 (1):147-170.
    While research ethics and developing respective competencies is gaining prominence in higher education institutions, there is limited knowledge about the learning process and scaffolding during such training. The global health crisis has made the need for facilitator-independent training materials with sufficient support even more pronounced. To understand how knowledge building takes place and how computer-supported collaborative learning supports research ethics learning, we analysed: 1) how the participants’ understanding was displayed during the collaborative learning process utilising the developed ethics resource; and (...)
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  • Reactively, Proactively, Implicitly, Explicitly? Academics’ Pedagogical Conceptions of how to Promote Research Ethics and Integrity.Heidi Hyytinen & Erika Löfström - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (1):23-41.
    This article focuses on academics’ conceptions of teaching research ethics and integrity. Seventeen academics from a Finnish research intensive university participated in this qualitative study. The data were collected using a qualitative multi-method approach, including think-aloud and interview data. The material was scrutinized using thematic analysis, with both deductive and inductive approaches. The results revealed variation in academics’ views on the responsibility for teaching research integrity, the methods employed to teach it and the necessity of intervening when misconduct occurs. The (...)
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  • Collaborative case-based learning process in research ethics.Erika Löfström, Kairi Koort, María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana & Anu Tammeleht - 2019 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 15 (1).
    The increasing concern about ethics and integrity in research communities has brought attention to how students and junior academics can be trained on this regard. Moreover, it is known that ethical behaviour and integrity not only involve individual but also group norms and considerations. Thus, through action research and participant observation, this research investigates the learning processes through which 64 students collaboratively develop research ethics and integrity competencies. The aim was to understand how bachelor, master and PhD students approach ethical (...)
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  • Ethical Issues in Doctoral Supervision: The Perspectives of PhD Students in the Natural and Behavioral Sciences.Erika Löfström & Kirsi Pyhältö - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (3):195-214.
    Our aim was to identify the ethical issues faced by students in the behavioral and natural sciences during their doctoral programmes. The participants were 28 PhD students who were interviewed about their doctoral study and supervision experiences. We identified a total of 102 ethical issues compromising the principles of nonmaleficence, beneficence, autonomy, justice, or fidelity. There were some differences in emphases, with the students in the behavioral sciences displaying a broader range of ethical compromises than the students in the natural (...)
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  • “Does Plagiarism Mean anything? LOL.” Students’ Conceptions of Writing and Citing.Erika Löfström - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (4):257-275.
    This study focuses on the intersection of research ethics and academic writing, i.e. the use of sources, assignment of credit to the contributors in the research, and the dissemination of research findings. The study utilized a set of semi-structured and open-ended questions. The sample consisted of 269 undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA) students at a U.S. university department of psychology including major and non-major students. The data showed that although an overwhelming number of the students’ examples related to ethical issues (...)
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  • Facilitating development of research ethics and integrity leadership competencies.ja María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana, Erika Löfström & Anu Tammeleht - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    To build a culture of integrity in a HE institution, innovative approaches are needed to enhance education of research ethics and integrity. In addition to educating students, understanding is needed on how to facilitate for those who lead others. The focus is on early-career researchers as future REI leaders. The current study sheds light on how learning and REI leadership competencies evolve during scaffolded collaborative research ethics training for this target group. The study combines new instruments as part of holistic (...)
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  • More than lip service: The development and implementation plan of an ethics decision-making framework for an integrated undergraduate business curriculum. [REVIEW]Brian W. Kulik - 2009 - Journal of Academic Ethics 7 (4):231-254.
    In the face of the business community’s widening concern about corporate ethical behavior, business schools are reexamining how they ensure that students appreciate the ethical implications of managerial decision making and have the analytical tools necessary to confront ethical dilemmas. The current approaches adopted by colleges vary from mere ‘lip service’ to embedding ethics at the core of the curriculum. This paper examines the experience of several US universities that have incorporated business ethics into their curricula. In particular, the paper (...)
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