The research introduces to the design and implementation of the Cybersecurity Enabled Smart Controller for the grid connected microgrid which uses the combination of the Web technologies and the authentication mechanism which enables real time monitoring with help of the Dashboards built using Chart.js which is a framework of JavaScript. Due to the role and connection of the Microgrids with the critical infrastructure they are vulnerable to the cyber threats. This project leverages the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MongoDB to create a secure and responsive system ensuring the operational resilience and data integrity. By focusing on simplicity the project uses user friendly dashboard for monitoring the microgrid data , controlling the grid crafted with HTML, CSS and JavaScript allowing the users to visualize the performance metrics using Chart.js for real time data representation. This methodology focuses on creating secure communication channels which enables effective data management through MongoDB providing a responsive experience on the web application. This approach allows users to monitor grid operations continuously and the access management effectively. The findings focused on creating a user friendly interface using the HTML, CSS, JavaScript which give users the access to monitor and control microgrid operations seamlessly. Utilizing the Chart.js enabled the users to visualize real time performance metrics which enables the operators to make decisions quickly addressing operational efficiencies. This paper proposes a role-based access control system (RBAC) to protect and manage the smart controller of a grid-connected microgrid. The design integrates a login page developed with HTML, JavaScript, and MongoDB for authentication and user management, with three distinct roles: Admin, Power Operator, and User. Each role has access to specific functions in the dashboard, reflecting their respective permissions. The backend was implemented using Node.js and Express to monitor network traffic, detect potential threats, and prevent unauthorized operations. The results demonstrate that the system provides effective protection against cyber threats while ensuring that different users can access the functionalities appropriate to their roles.