Abstract : Background: Vegetable agriculture is very important to human continued existence and remains a key driver of
many economies worldwide, especially in underdeveloped and developing economies. Objectives: There is an increasing
demand for food and cash crops, due to the increasing in world population and the challenges enforced by climate
modifications, there is an urgent need to increase plant production while reducing costs. Methods: In this paper, Lemon
classification approach is presented with a dataset that contains approximately 2,000 images belong to 3 species at a few
developing phases. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithms, a deep learning technique extensively applied to
image recognition was used, for this task. The results: found that CNN-driven lemon classification applications when used
in farming automation have the latent to enhance crop harvest and improve output and productivity when designed
properly. The trained model achieved an accuracy of 99.48% on a held-out test set, demonstrating the feasibility of this