Feminist theorists try to approach their philosophical perspectives from various systems. They approach it from the perspectives of liberalism, Marxism, radicalism, existentialism, postmodernism, etc. Whatever may be the system they use, their aim seems to be to divulge the oppressions undergone by the women. They use a method or adopt philosophical thinking so that they can spell out their cries in a philosophical manner. Using the philosophical systems does not mean that the philosopher who forwarded the system was aiming at the liberation of women. I would like to present in this essay the utilitarian and Marxian perspectives on Feminism. For the utilitarian perspective, I base myself on Harriet Taylor Mill and the Marxian perspective is from the writings of Karl Marx. I also attempt to connect the philosophy of Harriet Taylor with the Iranian movie, The Day I Became a Woman, and the philosophy of Karl Marx with the illustrious play of Bertolt Brecht, The Caucasian Chalk Circle.