This article values the importance of symbolic language through an Analog Hermeneutics and
Communication Community. This philosophical itinerary starts in a collective subject called “Us”
(“nosotros”) from the Latin American philosophical reflection. The symbol, such as meaningful
space for semantics, shows up in a symbolic language that includes a variety of rationalities. This
inclusion through symbolic language allows strengthening the “a priori” of a Communication
Community that supports and ethical and historical “us”. For this purpose, an Analog Hermeneutics
is presented as a valid method for philosophical thinking around the symbolic language. The
analogy allows considering the ambiguous and unambiguous of languages and the hermeneutics
through the symbol allows us to speak and think beyond what is stated. The Analog Hermeneutics
invites to recover the different meanings and to interpret the senses through the symbol in different
cultures. The symbol is a new inspiration for traditional Philosophy because it recovers wisdoms,
customs, images and traditions.