Abstract: Fish are important for both nutritional and economic reasons. They are a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals
and play a significant role in human diets, especially in coastal and island communities. In addition, fishing and fish farming are
major industries that provide employment and income for millions of people worldwide. Moreover, fish play a critical role in marine
ecosystems, serving as prey for larger predators and helping to maintain the balance of aquatic food chains. Overall, fish play a
vital role in supporting human well-being and the health of our planet. . Fishes have a lots of types such that: Red Mullet, Sea Bass,
Striped Red Mullet and Shrimp. Each of them has its own shape and characteristics that differ from other types. We proposed a
system that recognize nine types of fishes using deep learning. We trained the model with a dataset that contain 9000 images that
were slit into 6300 images for training, 1350 for validation and 1350 for testing. The proposed model achieved accuracy (99.68%),
precision (99.69%), recall (99.68%), and f1-score (99.68%). This indicates that our proposed model can effectively predicate and
classify different types of fish with very high accuracy.