This paper argues for a different logical form for complex demonstratives,
given that the quantificational account is correct. In itself that is controversial,
but two aspects will be assumed. Firstly, there are arguments to believe that complex
demonstratives have quantificational uses. Specifically, there are syntactic
arguments. Secondly, a uniform semantics is preferable to a semantics of ambiguity.
Given this, the proposed logical forms for complex demonstratives that are prevalent
do not respect a fundamental property of quantifiers: permutation invariance.
The reason for this is the attempt to retain, in the logical forms proposed, the strong
intuitions of reference that uses of complex demonstratives display. The paper
suggests that the directly referential intuitions surrounding complex demonstratives
cannot be taken to be part of the semantics of the expression. There appears to be no
need to do so, either. The paper defends the new logical form against various