This philosophical hypothesis is based on actual facts and logically possible interactions between several entities, leading to the phenomenon called ‘gravitational attraction.
All current theories and hypotheses rely primarily on theoretical ideas about how gravitational attraction functions but fail to explain all its aspects, including the connection between gravity and the quantum world. This is why the question of gravity remains unresolved to this day. A solid philosophical foundation is needed to identify the most likely causes and mechanisms behind gravitational attraction. Understanding gravity correctly is of pivotal importance if we hope to comprehend the possibility of antigravity and its potential mechanisms. This work addresses all these questions and more.
The hypothesis in this document regarding gravity is based on exploring all involved entities and the mutual interactions between them that could be responsible for the emergence of the phenomenon we call ‘gravitational attraction.’ The subjects involved in this system are as follows: 1) Earth’s magnetism, 2) the paramagnetic properties of oxygen, and 3) the electric charge of all objects.
This hypothesis is intended to address dilemmas that current theories fail to explain. These dilemmas are as follows:
1) Why is gravity such a weak force?
2) Why does gravity only attract, especially in comparison to magnetism?
3) How does gravity attract non-magnetic objects
In essence, according to this hypothesis, the effect of gravitational attraction might be directly linked to Earth's magnetism or magnetic field, even though objects—especially non-magnetic substances—are not directly attracted by it. Instead, all objects are attracted because of Earth's magnetic field influencing oxygen. The attraction of all objects on Earth, including non-magnetic ones, occurs because all substances possess a certain electric (or electromagnetic) charge. This charge, within a certain proximity to these charged objects and substances, affects the charge of oxygen, in addition to the electromagnetic charge already imposed on them by Earth.
In this way, all objects form a field of more strongly charged paramagnetic oxygen particles around themselves. It is this field that is pulled more strongly toward Earth, dragging along the object responsible for the enhanced electromagnetic charge of this field. This means that gravitational attraction results from Earth's magnetic field in combination with the interactions between the properties of oxygen and the involved objects.
This hypothesis about gravity also helps explain how and why planes fly, including the dilemma of why the air above an airplane’s wings moves faster than expected. It also accounts for why all objects are so easily lifted into the air during strong winds.
Within existing theories of gravity, antigravity is impossible to explain, let alone achieve. This hypothesis provides an easy-to-understand mechanism for antigravity systems, provided its core assumptions are correct.
The claims of this hypothesis can be scientifically tested. This work provides ideas for these tests.