The Syncretism, specific of old and new religious currents, is a phenomenon
closely linked to millenarian movements and the emergence of so-called
prophets that say that transmit divine messages being dependent at the same
time, important social changes, economic political and, not least, religious.
In the history of religions, syncretism is determined by several factors,
among which are the changes in social, political, economic, and new
philosophical and religious synthesis, the term acquiring a cosmopolitan
sense. Syncretism occurs when two or more social groups with different
religions, contact, assimilating their members and various other religious
characteristics specific groups and, for the most part, are foreign to their
own beliefs. Religious syncretism has grown particularly intense during the
first four centuries of the Christian era, but its traces can envision more or
less pronounced in all religious history of humanity, with respect to the
merger of two or more deities or acceptance of new forms and often
contradictory in different parts of religious worship of pagan deities
specifically different.