Origin of the Yellowstone hotspot & Columbia River Basalts has remained uncertain
until now. Here, we present evidence of meteorite impact origin. The hotspot is
shallow, only 200 km deep, invalidating a theory of mantle plume origin. The hotspot
track runs from the Yellowstone National Park in NW Wyoming to the volcanic
Modoc Plateau in NE California. We present evidence of apparent remnants of an
impact crater existing in the Modoc, a large multi-ring structure at least 160 km diameter.
Much of the complex crater has become obliterated by later Cascadia and
Sierra orogenies. The crater has a tall 4,100 foot central uplift cone, locally known as
Chalk Mountain, consisting of diatomaceous earth, presumably the rebound cone of
a meteorite impact. This falsifies a theoretical prohibition of cosmic impact volcanism.
Based on recent insights into explosive volcanism a plausible mechanism is
proposed for how meteorite impacts can lead to resurgent calderas of the Yellowstone
type, & of apparent LIP origin from thin crust ET impacts, invalidating theoretical
constructs of mantle plumes. We mention chaotic terrains, including plutons,
arising antipodal to impacts.