The co-evolutionary concept of tri-modal stable evolutionary strategy (SESH) of Homo
sapiens is developed. The concept based on the principle of evolutionary complementarity of
anthropogenesis: value of evolutionary risk and evolutionary path of human evolution are defined
by descriptive (evolutionary efficiency) and creative-teleological (evolutionary correctness)
parameters simultaneously, that cannot be instrumental reduced to others ones. Resulting volume
of both parameters define the vectors of human evolution by two gear mechanism ˗ genetic and
cultural co-evolution and techno-humanitarian balance. Explanatory model and methodology of
evaluation of creatively teleological evolutionary risk component of NBIC technological complex is
proposed. The mechanism of influence of each module on the evolution of the two remaining
modules of SESH a priori can be twofold: (1) informational co-evolution (direct selective pressure);
(2) semantic co-evolution (time-varying semantic code, the compliance of the biological, socio-
cultural and techno-rationalist adaptive modules of human stable evolutionary strategy). More
rapidly evolving autonomous element of the co-evolutionary pair becomes making sense factor for
the partner. Semantic co-evolution is the discrete acquisition of adaptive significance of individual
alleles by changing socio-cultural types, manifested as an increase in the genetic variability of
populations of Homo sapiens, and domesticated species parallel to socio-culturogenesis. The socio-
cultural landscape leads to drastically difference of direction in biological evolution of Atlantic and
East-Slavic ethnicities/civilizations.