From Chernobyl to Fukushima, it became clear that the technology is a system evolutionary
factor, and the consequences of man-made disasters, as the actualization of risk related to changes
in the social heredity (cultural transmission) elements. The uniqueness of the human phenomenon
is a characteristic of the system arising out of the nonlinear interaction of biological, cultural and
techno-rationalistic adaptive modules. Distribution emerging adaptive innovation within each
module is in accordance with the two algorithms that are characterized by the dominance of
vertical (transgenerational) and horizontal (infection, contagion) adaptive streams of information,
respectively. Evolutionary risk is the result of an imbalance of autonomous adaptive systems have
an essential attribute of adaptibe strategy of Homo. Technological civilization inherent
predisposition to overcome their dependence on biological and physical components. This feature
serves as an enhancer of the evolutionary generating conjugate with the scientific and technological
development risk We can assume the existence of an intention of Western mentality to a high
priority (positive or negative) of technological modifications micro-social environment and post-
Soviet (East Slavic) mentality to modification of macro-social system.