Tantra means knowledge of methodical and mechanical investigational-technique through which we develop our consciousness and faculties of consciousness. It is also a process through which we can able to be realized our inherent spiritual powers. The term “Tantra” has been derived from the Sanskrit term “Tan” which means to “Magnify” or to “Outspread”. People use Tantra in a very mechanical way to transform their personality from animalhood to divinity. Basically, in the school of Buddhism, Tantra has developed a system of thought which makes us see the universe as if it were within ourselves, and ourselves as if we were within the universe. In addition, we can argue that the forces governing the cosmos on the macro-level are believed to govern the individual in the micro-level. According to Tantra, there is a pyramid among individual being and universal being rather both sides are same. Thus all that exists in the universe must also exist in the individual body. It means we are all one under the umbrella of the sky. According to Buddhism, Tantra is the best way to salvation. Because, through the mechanism of Tantra, people can overcome to ignorance and affection towards the material world and can achieve wisdom.