Technology has already been part of our way of life. It is being used in the social world for social
innovation and communication. It has become significant in human world for creation, but has also become an
instrument for destruction. It challenges human reason for it becomes the reason itself. Such human reason is
the essence of humanity, hence, humanism is equated to human reason. Likewise, it claims the ending of
humanism for it enters in the discourse of posthumanism in the technological realm. In this case, there is a need
to clarify the idea of posthumanism that at same time uphold and will robust the sense of humanity. The study
aims to articulate ethical concepts based on the idea of posthumanism as the study argues posthumanism as
the synthesis of man and technology relation. The research design is qualitative in nature specifically a
philosophical research employing two levels of analysis; synthesis and constructivism. The former is used to
explicate and consolidate ideas on posthumanism and the latter is used to form concepts and principles on the
ethical valuations. The study then presented threefold principles based on the ethical valuations on
posthumanism vested in neutral position.