The articles included in this issue represent some of the most recent thinking in the
area of critical thinking in higher education. While the emphasis is on work being
done in the Australasian region, there are also papers from the USA and UK that
demonstrate the international interest in advancing research in the area.
‘Critical thinking’ in the guise of the study of logic and rhetoric has, of course,
been around since the days of the ancient Greeks and the early beginnings of universities.
In a narrower sense, critical thinking has been central to higher education as a
desirable attribute of graduates since at least the beginning of the twentieth century.
The work of John Dewey, and others, emphasised the importance of ‘good habits of
thinking’ as early as 1916. In 1945, the Harvard Committee placed emphasis on the
importance of ‘thinking effectively’ as one of three desirable educational abilities in
their General education in a free society. This was later endorsed in 1961 by the US-based
Educational Policies Commission: ‘The purpose which runs through and
strengthens all other educational purposes … is the development of the ability to
think’ (Kennedy, Fisher, & Ennis, 1991, pp. 11–12).
In recent times, universities have made a point of emphasising the importance of
critical thinking as a ‘generic skill’ that is central to most, if not all, subjects. There is
not a university today (in Australia at least) that does not proudly proclaim that their
graduates will – as a result of a degree program in their institution – learn to think critically.
Further, there is rarely a subject taught that does not offer the opportunity to
acquire skills in critical thinking. However, where is the evidence that we teach critical
thinking in higher education? Disturbingly, despite our best intentions, it appears
we may be teaching very little of it.