Lecce: Pensa Multimedia (
In the darkness of difficult times, in the degradation of human nature and in the slumber of consciences, we resolutely affirm with the accuracy of the hermeneutic lógos and the mild gentleness of the óneiro the centrality of the human person within the pedagogical discourse. In the knowledge and care of the dignity, richness and wholeness constitutive of the potential of intentional consciousness we recognize the specific object of educational theory and the safe path to the global empowerment of individual and society. That is why we conceive of tea-ching as a paideia of virtues: that is to say, as a most excellent art to which the whole of existence is to be devoted. That is why our children and pupils are welcomed, loved and accustomed to freely exercise their will and judgment, guided by imagination, enthusiasm, history, great ideals, faith and example, so that their hearts and intelligence learn to recognize, cherish and grow the seeds of hope in a better future.