Mobile and wireless networking infrastructures are facing unprecedented loads due to increasing
apps and services on mobiles. Hence, 5G systems have been developed to maximise mobile user
experiences as they can accommodate large volumes of traffics with extractions of fine-grained data
while offering flexible network resource controls. Potential solutions for managing networks and
their security using network traffic are based on UAA (User Activity Analysis). DLTs (Deep
Learning Techniques) have been recently used in network traffic analysis for better performances.
These previously suggested techniques for network traffic analysis typically need voluminous
information on network usages. Hence, this work proposes OFedeMWOUAA (optimal federated
learning-based UAA technique with Meadow Wolf Optimisation) and DNN (deep Neuron
Networks) for minimizing risks of data leakages in MWNs (Mobile Wireless Networks). In the
proposed OFedeMWOUAA, the need to submit data to cloud servers does not arise because it trains
DLTs locally and only uploads model gradients or knowledge weights. The OFedeMWOUAA
approach effectively decreases dangers to data privacies with very minor performance losses in