We have now mapped the set of analogies Ai,j to conceptual and mechanical meanings. This allows us to
recognize how the Group Algebraic System G decomposes into five smaller subsystems, each of which relate to well-known symbolic systems. Furthermore, by recognizing the algorithmic transformations between these subsystems, we can apply each representing a single component of the Group Algebraic System G, or model how algorithms are used in mathematics, by mapping its meaning onto the corresponding transformation steps between the subsystems. Thus, we have transformed a Group Algebraic System G into five simpler subsystems (namely, symbolic analogic, lateral algebraic, calculus of infinity tensors, perturbations in waves, and algorithmic formation of symbols), each of which may also be represented algorithmically. This mapping process serves as a the basis for studying the algebraic machinery used in mathematics and logic to manipulate symbols, such as the classical logical systems or algebraic systems, using algorithms.