Dissertation, (
The advent and widespread adoption of modern technology has impacted our society
in a significant and ubiquitous manner. I argue that our dependence on modern technology,
specifically, has prompted a loss of human autonomy that corresponds directly to its
advancement. I argue that this anti-reciprocal phenomenon is self-instituted. In this sense,
autonomy is not lost like ones wallet or car keys, but rather handed over to modern
technology in exchange for the streamlined processes and conveniences it promises.
I arrive at this conclusion through exploring the research and findings of other
thinkers situated in the field of philosophy of technology and the analyses made by other
contemporary authors. I also provide my own analysis incorporating relevant phenomena that
serve to validate and solidify my arguments.
For as much talk of technology that comes part and parcel with a work of this nature,
I suggest something quite divergent from its leading critics. It is true that modern technology
impacts nearly every aspect of our lives today, and in many ways, its influence defines the
very way we have evolved as a society. In its use, there can be seen a wide spectrum of
advocacy from philia to phobia and everything between. Yet, I recognize that the one
common factor in the invention, adoption, advancement, and widespread utilization of
modern technology is a human inventor, adopter, advancer, and end user. It is my contention
that the blame can rest not in a thing for the phenomenon of human dependence and loss of
autonomy. To truly understand the way modern technology affects us, we must look upon