There is a great deal of evidence that method bias is really sure influences item
validities, measurement error, correlation and covariance between latent constructs and thus
leading the researchers to erroneous conclusion due to inflation or deflation during hypothesis
testing. To remedy this, the study provides a guideline to minimize the method bias in the
context of structural equation modeling employing the covariance method (CB-SEM) using
medical tourism model. A practical approach is illustrated for the identification of method bias
based on the new construct namely common latent factor. Using this latent construct, we
managed to identify which item has potential to permeate more variance from common latent
factor. Nevertheless, we figure out that the method bias is do not exist in our developed model.
Therefore, this measurement model is appropriate for structural model in order to achieve the
research hypotheses. We hope that this discussion will help the researchers anticipate which
items are likely exposed on method bias before proceed to advance modeling.