Let me first state that I like Antti Revonsuo’s discussion of the various methodological
and interpretational problems in neuroscience. It shows how careful and
methodologically reflected scientists have to proceed in this fascinating field of
research. I have nothing to add here. Furthermore, I am very sympathetic towards
Revonsuo’s general proposal to call for a Philosophy of Neuroscience that stresses
foundational issues, but also focuses on methodological and explanatory strategies.2
In a footnote of his paper, Revonsuo complains – as many others do today – about
what is sometimes called “physics imperialism”. This is the view that physics
dominates the philosophy of science. I am not sure if this is still the case nowadays,
but it is certainly historically correct that almost all work in the field of methodology
centered around cases from physics. Although this has been changing, there are still
plenty of special sciences philosophers did not worry about much. Admittedly, I am
myself a trained physicist and not a neuroscientist and will therefore probably be
biased negatively. As it is, I will discuss some examples from physics in order to
illustrate my points.